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At first I stared at the card not having enough courage to open it. What if there's a bomb there waiting for me to open it. No, it can't be. I haven't offended anybody except Bill of course.
After sometime Nils came into my room.
"What's up dude.. I've been waiting for the past fifteen minutes. Are you now a lady who takes five hours to get ready?"
"Check this out man"
He came to my side.
"What's that "
"Are you blind? Can't you see the card"
"Who brought it here"
"I was going to ask you the same question "
So he isn't the one who brought it there. How then did it get here. Before I soloquize further, Nils opened it and behold it wasn't a bomb as I earlier envisioned. I peeped at the content of the card. OMG my heart is sinking. This isn't happening. Emilia is getting married to that bastard. She didn't even wait for me to tell her about what I found out before rushing to prepare an invitation card? Does she despise me this much or its the idea of that ponk. Yea, Emy can't send this to me. She loves me and I think this is all Bill's idea to wreck me.
I left Nils there and fled downstairs. I heard him calling my name but I didn't stop. I took my keys and off I went. Before I could get to the drivers sit Nils dragged me backwards and went to the drivers sit snatching the keys from my hand.
"I can't allow you to drive in this state"
"just hurry up"
I just need to see her and if I tell her what I know she is certainly going to call the wedding off. I mean she just recovered and it's all too soon to be getting married few days from now. I need to see her.
"Nils, please drive faster"
"If I drive faster than this we might die. Just calm down. I know she loves you and if she knows that you guys ain't related in any way, she might have a change of heart"
As soon as we got to the hospital. I jumped down from the car and Nils followed immediately.
I noticed someone. The Edwardo guy. He was entering his car after shutting the other door for a lady. I wanted to confront him to know why he's still coming here but I decided against it. I rushed into the ward and into her room only to see that the bed was empty. What? She's gone?. How?. She isn't strong to go home on her own. Why did the nurses allow her to go on her own. I walked out to the nurse on the front desk.
"Hello. Do you know the whereabout of Miss Emilia Roderico. She's not in her room."
"Oh, she left with a young man not long ago. She's ok now"
"A young man? "
My mind immediately went to Edwardo.
"Is the time she left within the range of ten to twenty minutes"
"Shit! Shit! Shit!"
I ran outside to see if I can catch up with them but they were off.
I angrily kicked and punched my car.
Nils held my shoulder to comfort me but it didn't do anything.
Nils took me home afterwards. Immediately he stopped the car, I got down and headed to my room but my dad stopped me half way. When I didn't answer a word he continued talking
"Am talking to you and you're ignoring me? What has come over you"
"Everything dad, everything. You are drinking wine when you daughter left with a stranger "
"A stranger? I thought you guys went there to pick her up"
"She left with someone else don't you get it"
"Hmm don't worry she'll be ok"
"You know what dad unlike you am very caring and if anything happens to that girl, I'll kill you"
The expression on his shows that the words sunk into his skull. He is a kind of man that I understand. How can he be comfortable with such a careless act from Emilia.
I marched upstairs and this time Nils left me alone. God! I can't believe that she's getting married in two days. Two fucking days. And the only way I would have been able to change her mind about the wedding was ruined by that bastard.
I've been calling her and yet no response. I've left countless voice mails and text messages but none was replied and it's seriously getting on my nerve. How did my perfect life with Emilia turn sour all of a sudden. The more I drink, the more it gets to me. I stood up, took the keys to my bike and went to the garage.
I haven't ride for years now but it's exactly what I need. That air that hits you and make you feel free and content. I rolled the bike carefully so as not to attract Nils attention. If he hears then am definitely not
When I got outside it was already dark. So I've been inside my room for that long. I kicked the bike and it roared back to life although it was a bit smoky but I can still manage. I rode fast while the air carried my shirt and my hair. This is what am talking about. At a time I was beginning to forget about Emilia until I saw a couple ride pass me. A car passed by and his headlight shone on their face. What I saw made me loose balance.

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