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What the hell is wrong with me? How can I be day dreaming of him when i want to forget about him.. I hate to admit it but i miss him so much.. His touch.. His hungry and possessive kisses.. I miss giving him a minding blow org...oh Emilia you're insane.
"Please come out now. Am anxiously waiting here and my patience is running out" she knocks lightly disengaging me from my crazy thoughts. I proudly walked out with my head held up high like the way my late mum taught me..
"Wow..."Zena exclaims..
"Why were you hiding such beauty behind the close door..?you really look beautiful sweetheart.. I could barely recognise you.."
"thanks dear... I will be back in a giffy"..


Am totally confused on what to do.. This house has become more like a battle ground whenever the two hungry lions are around each other.. Emilio has been acting more like a psychopath, seeing an invincible Emilia he usually chats with in his room.. Am trying to figure out what kind of game Emilia is playing with my cousin.. It's like she's hiding something big from us because that should be the only reasonable explanation as to why she choose to stay at a friend house and not here. But what could she be hiding from us..?" Emy what are you hiding.
"Nils come say hello to Emy."Emilio yelled bringing me out of my thought.. I hurried to his room.. Lo and behold i met my lovely cousin with no other than my invincible sister... Am in deep shit because if i don't play along Emilio will throw tantrum at me..
"Hi nice to see you.."i sigh.. This is insane.. I might end up in a rehab centre if i succumb to his madness..
"Oh come on man you're making her uncomfortable. Give her a big brother hug and stop sucking like you've seen a ghost" "what!!.."I exclaim in shock.. Enough is enough..
"You've lost your mind Emilio. You're going to a rehab centre today.."
"am going no where dude"he raised his voice at me..
"Oh yes.. You're going there even if I'll have to take you there unconscious I won't hesitate to do it.." i sigh trying to resist the urge to break his nose.. He stalk towards me and i'm very much aware of his motives.. He's expression suddenly change from that of a hunter to a wounded lion..
"Please... I only need my Emilia"he pleads while clapping his hands together..
"Bring her back to me.. I need her" he sobs..
"Your crocodile tears won't change my mind.. You won't be able to blackmail me emotionally with those tears.."i shout annoyed at his immature mentality to cajole me..
"You're going to rehab and that's final" i yell at him and quickly walked out before he break my bones or knock me down.. He's a pain in my ass.. I've told him to act like a man but he's still acting like a coward.. He should be able to face his problems like any real man would do but no he's shying away like an idiot he truly is.. Am losing my mind.. There's my uncle whose sad because he's bound with his jerk of a son who is broken and his precious daughter is staying with an unknown friend.. On the other hand there's a psychopath whose driving me insane because the only woman he ever loved is getting married to his Best friend who of recent became his enemy and above all the queen of this house.. The joy and light of this house is gone and may never bring forth illumination and me, I might end up in the rehab centre with all this burden.. In the middle of this there's our queen's grand wedding.. This is one of the moment i wish my mom was alive cos she always gat solutions to every challenge...

The door of my library suddenly burst open with no other than my brother or should i say my prodigal brother with a frown on his face just as i always remember him to be.. I reluctantly stood up to welcome him.. Approaching closer to him, his face lighten up with a fake smile. I mask how uncomfortable i felt with that smile.
"Hello dear brother"he greets
"Welcome.. Ito ay longtime sinasyong iyo Grace me sa iyong presence.." (it's been a long time since you grace me with your presence ) i say while embracing him.
"Ikaw lang gagawa kaya" (you speak as though i abanadoned you ) he rolls his eyes and am sure his gonna give an excuse that will render me speechless.. "You of all people should understand the nature of my business.."
"i guess so.. you have a point there but family comes first.." today am gonna put him in his place..
"Maupo ka" (have a seat).
"I thought you wouldn't usher me in.." he mocks.. He glanced around until he was satisfied..
"Same as always a taste of great passion" He said with a tune of mockery.. I laugh slightly as i fill two glasses with whiskey.. "Have a drink.."i say handing him a glass while i take a sip.. We both fell into an uncomfortable silence with obviously a lot of questions in our mind.. I guess neither of us have the right words to use or apply so we both stared at each other as the air around us thickens.. I wonder what urge him to visit today..
"You refused to come to my house so i decided to grace you with my presence.. Don't you like my surprise visit dearest brother?..". Here comes my cunning brother.. I couldn't withhold my laughter.. So i laugh out loud..
"I love it.." i replied imitating his tune.. "We're still siblings.. Aren't we..?".. he asked with a little emotion in his face.. Our relationship crumbled a long time ago.. He betrayed my trust and wooed my wife with his sweet mouth but everything backfired back at him.. I lost my billions repaying for his misdeeds..
"Yes of course" i reply shaking off those painful memory.. It's a thing of the past.. I try to console myself..
"Blood is thicker than water.." i say as he nods in agreement..
"You didn't bring your dogs along today.." He laughs as if he's surprised at my question..
"You know me too well but my guards are outside if that's what you mean.."
"What's your..."
"Good day sir.." Edwardo interrupts me.. "Welcome son.. See who i have here" he stirs at his father in shock as he blink his eyes repeatedly "Your father my brother came all by himself to see me"
"oh don't stare like you've seen a ghost rather salute me boy"
"Good day father" he greets while taking his seat as he sip my whiskey.. Oh i don't blame him who wouldn't be shock to see a demigod at a Popper's residence..
"What brings you here father.." Edwardo ask as he glance at his father. He gave me a questioning look but i smile and nod my head..
"I came just to say hello to my brother.." Edwardo and i hiss at the same time..
"don't beat around the bush brother, we all know that's a lie... What deal do you need me for?"
"You think poorly of me.." i glance at my watch telling him that his time is almost up
"i came to invite you to Bill's wedding.." he drops the invitation on my desk as i hesitate to take it from him..
"It's a business deal isn't" i ask curiously.. He laughs evilly..
"Yes of course.. Money is everything for me"
"yeah i know that.."
"who's the unlucky bride"Edwardo asked but there's a lot of emotion like both sadness and anger but he quickly masks it with a blank expression like he already knows the answer to the question but wants clarification..
"Daughter of Richard Roderico... Emilia Roderico.."
"WHAT!!!"we exclaimed in union.. But it seems Edwardo voice overwhelmed my voice...

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now