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Shock was written all over the faces of my parents when I screamed but am glad it's just another nightmare.
They looked worried sick.
"Daddy your princess is all right now" i said weakly giving the best okay look ever....
"Princess....oh my princess just called my name.."
Wait! I wasn't able to talk..that monster really want to ruin me??...oh no am gonna die
"Angel..what's wrong"
Mum asked me but all I could do was shake my head. Am afraid to die. Am definitely too young to die.
"Princess talk to us"
"You're silence is driving us crazy"
I know that I can't keep it a secret from my parents and so I finally spoke up..
"I had a terrible dream.."
"Someone was after my life. I can't really describe what it looks like but he was very scary...worse than those in the movies"
Relating this to my parents made my bed soak with tears and sweat...
I inhale enough air before I continued...
"He kept on chasing after me till he caught up with me"
My breathing at this point became heavy and I began to shiver..
Then a hand grabbed my left shoulder....
i was totally shocked and scared...
Afraid to see the person...
suddenly I couldn't hear anything anymore. The light in my room was fading out and I began to hear those voices I heard in my dream....
I could feel him close to I definitely can't escape him anymore...he's gonna kill me...i close my eyes as I finally embrace end is here.....
Total darkness engulfed me...


I held her shoulder to calm her down when she began to shiver but she didn't turn. What is this?? She's become so strange and I don't know what to do anymore...I was so damn confused...I kept screaming her name because she looked distant and then she began to foam out salver..
Smith rushed into the kitchen to get a spoon but before he arrived, little angel passed out in my daughter just stopped breathing..
that was all I could say till he took her from my lap and rushed out of the house lifting her on his broad shoulder..
I quickly took the car keys from the chamber and hurried out of the house...
My husband rushed into the hospital with Anna while I shouted for attention. All the nurses became alert and brought out a stretcher and took Anna to a ward shutting us out..
I daughter doesn't deserve this..why has this befallen her. This all started with a stupid nightmare that rendered her mute and just when she opens her mouth to talk, this happens. What is going on?
Hours passed by and nothing from the doctor or the nurses that went in with her. Not even a single person came out of the room..i was no longer in a right state of mind. I kept peeping through if I could see anything but nothing was in sight. I turned to my husband and he's own state scared me also. He was just staring at no where in particular. Not crying or anything just staring. I knew he was equally sharing in the pain of our angel. Even if he looked composed, he was deeply lost. Just then, the doctor came out and called us to his office. He said they couldn't detect what was going on with my daughter and that alone brought out all the tears I had been holding back. My husband reached out and consoled me. Helping me to pull my self together but the doctor seemed to be holding another information..
"She has also fallen into a comma which we don't know when she's coming out of"
with that I fell down on my knees and cried, asking God to take my life and spare that of my daughter. I stood up angrily as I rushed out of the hospital to a wherever my feet could carry me..I just ran to the rhyme of my sorrow...destination am unaware of...I stumbled but I did my best to maintain my balance but everything just fades out...

THE MASKED (Sequence 1)Where stories live. Discover now