Chapter 8

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Mare POV

When we get to the castle or the parliament I guess now, Cal parks the cycle in the hanger under the building. When I get off I have sooo much energy I want to jump. When Cal gets off I jump onto him hooking my legs around his waist and kiss him hard on the lips. He puts his hands on the small of my back and kisses back. We kiss until we have to surface for air "I missed you so much" he says I just smile and say "I don't know how I lived without you" he smiles and kisses me again. He puts me down and grabs my bag for me and takes me to my room. As we're walking he laughs "seriously" he says "what?" I ask "they put our rooms next to each other." I smile "so you don't want to be near me is that it" he gives me a panicked look "No not at all, I just" he starts to stammer I just laugh "I was joking Cal." He looks at me and pulls me closer to him "not funny" he says I just chuckle.

Finally we reach my room, I open it up and it's pretty big, I have a walk in closet, a king size bed, and a ginormous vanity. I set my bags down and sit on the bed Cal stands at the door and smiles "I'll let you settle in ok, I'll see you at dinner." He says and turns to leave "wait what dinner?" I say he turns around and looks at me "the welcome dinner for all the politicians that can from Montfort and from all over Norta, did you not know about it?" I start to blush and I look away. Cal laughs "do you have some formal clothes with you?" He asks " yes I do but I don't want to go to a stupid political dinner with people arguing." I say and it's true, It sounds like a nightmare "it's not like that kind of dinner it's more like a gala, it's just finger food and people walking around talking to whoever they want" Cal says "well that doesn't sound that bad, but you better not ditch me during the dinner" I say he laughs and says "I won't, never again. See you at dinner." And he closes the door.

I get undressed and take a shower to get the feel of the plane off me. I think about Cal for most of the time, he waited for me, he actually waited 8 months for me. I've never acted like that before in my life, all giddy and childish, I'm usually so somber, but with him I feel like I have no responsibility, and all my worries at gone. When I get out of the shower I start to get dressed for the gala. Gisa packed my bag so of course she packed something nice for me to wear. I've gotten better at doing my makeup but for my hair it's complicated, I grew my hair out and now it goes past my butt, so I decide to put it in a pony tail but leave a few strands in front. Then I get my dress on, it's a simple black dress that stops at my mid-thigh. My makeup is just a black cat eye with silver eyeliner in the middle and a light brown lip colour. My shoes are black height heel boots with a secret blade in them, you never know when you'll need one. As I'm finishing up someone knocks on my door so I go to answer it, when I open the door it's Evangeline in a beautiful rose gold dress with dramatic makeup and Elane in a stunning yellow dress. " hey guys what's up" I say and let them in but they both just stand there and stare at me "what? Is my makeup bad?" I ask but they both shake their head, after a while Evangeline is the first to break the silence "you look amazing Mare I've never seen you in...well your style clothes before." Elane just nods "what do you mean?" I ask "when ever you dressed up before it was always in silver styles as a Titanos, and you where beautiful don't get me wrong but it wasn't you, and now you look like you and you look beautiful." Elane and I are shocked by her words "anyways it's time to go" she finishes "oh ya ok" I say and leave with them. When we get there, there are already a bunch of people there. But before I get a chance to look for Cal someone taps me on the shoulder I turn and see Ada in a nice pink gown.

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