Chapter 43

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Sorry for the late update I've been swamped with life and work and school. I know this chapter is shorter then usual (800-1000 words less to be specific) but at least it's something right ? Anyways hope you enjoy!!!!


I can't see how much damage there is but I know it's a lot "you ruined my life!" He yells for the fifth time "say that all you want but it won't make it true" I say back finally he starts to slow down and steps away "What? can't do it can you" he says "what?" I say back "kill me, you still have a soft spot for me don't you big brother" he says and spits the words out "you might be right but I'll do anything to protect my kids" I say and he laughs "well you're doing a bad job" he says back and everything goes black.

Maven POV

"Finally what took you so long" I say to Iris "well sorry if I didn't want to be noticed" she says and checks his pulse "still alive, want me to kill him?"she asks and I shake my head "I want him to live the way I did, I want him to wake up with nothing and me with everything" I say and Iris huffs "fine but if this bites you in the ass, not my fault" she says, I know she wants to kill him but last time she did something I didn't want she found out the consequences. "You know the elite want us to kill them right?" She says and I sigh "ya but not now I'll do it later" I say, ya I work for the elite and why wouldn't I they wanted to help me, they got my mother out of my head but it feels.... bad, like I don't know what to do or who I am. All I know is that I want Mare and that she wants me and that my brother separated us, but we can be together. "Where are the children?" She asks "at their military base, probably in their most secure building" I say and she nods "well lets go before someone comes to get him" she says "ok one second" I say and bend down and take off his flammakers and pocket them, then I take a chain and lock him to a street light "you know he can melt those even if you take his flammakers right?" Iris says and I laugh "ya but it will still delay him a few second in which time we can kill the children" I say "ok now lets go"

Elane POV

"Where's Cal?" Bree asks Farley "he's fighting Maven right now" she says and I take in a breath "he's already here?" I say and she nods "yes, we sent for backup so this should end soon, one versus twenty one" she says then someone knocks on the door "ill get it" Farley says and answers the door someone whispers something to her and she takes in a breath "your sure" she says and they nod "alright, get all troops ready for battle try and keep the battle out here as to not hurt any civilians" she says "yes ma'am" he replies then she closes the door and walks over to us "I need to go" she says "why?" Bree asks "Iris is here too and there is suspected to be more elite in the city" she says and I take in a breath "she killed the twenty soldiers I sent with some help from more silver elite soldiers" she says "so what are you saying?" Bree asks and she looks at the kids and back to us "we're in war"

Mare POV

"I repeat do you copy" Jack says for the third time "ye~~~s~~~~ I~~~~~copy~~~~~" we hear over the radio "this is Mcpl Jones requesting to land in Montfort" Jack says "~~~~Silver Eli~~~~~~~Attack~~~~~~Danger~~~" we hear someone say "what's happening?" Suzy asks "we can't hear them" I say then Jack fiddles with the com system and we can hear them clearly now "come in, mcpl Jones?" I hear a women say "yes we can hear you" he says "land as fast as possible the silver elite have infiltrated Montfort security be aware" she says "I thought it was just maven" Spencer asks "I knew it was too good to be true" I say "what do you mean?" Peter asks "theres no way they would just send Maven, he's too broken they had to send someone else with him or an army" I say "Jack get this plane landed before we get forced down, everyone strap in" I say and everyone follows "what airport do you want me to land at?" Jack asks "land on the base, stay away from highly populated areas" I say and he nods. If Maven is there where is Cal and the kids, I hope they're ok.

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