Chapter 21

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Mare POV

When I'm done taking my shower, I walk back into me room to change. when I get my bra and pants on I look in the mirror, and I see something I wasn't expecting. I turn to the side and I'm not seeing things "I'm showing already?" I say and as soon as I say that Cal opens the door and comes in "Hey so...." He starts but stops when he sees me looking "I'm not imagining this right I'm showing?" I say and he walks up behind me "no you're not imagining" he says and wraps his hand around me and puts his hands on my stomach "this is really happening" I say, he laughs and kisses my neck "yes it is" he says, I smile and put my hand on his cheek he leans in and I think he's going to kiss me again but he whispers into my ear "I gotta go" and grabs his coat "what?" I say looking at him desperate. I don't want him to go. He gives me a sad smile and hugs me "the premier wants to talk to me about something" he says "but can't you just say you can't" I say and he laughs "As much as I would like too, I can't. But I don't see this taking more then 30 minutes." He says and he pulls away to look at me "I'll come right back and we can do whatever you want" he says and I smile "sit in the room all day and do nothing?" I ask and he laughs "sounds good to me" he says and kisses me on the lips, it wasn't forceful or passionate like they usually are but, soft and sensual and full of love "I love you" I say when we separate he smiles "I love you too"he says "now I have to go" he continues and heads toward the door, I lean against the bedroom door frame "bye" I say and he turns "bye" he says back and leaves and the room suddenly the room gets cold.


I really don't want to leave, but I feel like what Gen wants to speak to me about is really important. When I get to my room and turn on the light I see someone standing at the window "I didn't expect you to be in my hotel room" I say, Gen turns around "well it's important" she says and my heart drops "what is it" I say and go to grab a drink "Cal its 10 am" she says "well I have a feeling this is going to be bad" I say and she chuckles "well not really" she says and I raised my eye brows "lets start with the good parts," she says and takes a deep breath "Clair asked me to marry her, and I said yes" she says and I smile "well congratulations" I say, and she smiles "thank you, but now the bad news" she says and I sigh "I couldn't say yes without telling her" she continues "no, no, no you didn't" I say "I'm sorry but I..." she starts but I interrupt "Mares Pregnant!" I yell and she goes silent. I wipe my face with my hands "Mare told me last night, if She finds out about this, who knows how she'll react with her hormones going crazy. I mean she cried when a song came on the radio in the car" I say and she sighs "look when I told Clair she freaked, but after a day she forgave me because she almost did it that night too when she got drunk." She says "if you tell her she might understand" she tries to convince me its a good idea "she's PREGNANT Gen, all logic is out the window with her" I say "look you need to tell Clair not to tell anyone ESPECIALLY Mare" I continue, she looks at me with disappointment in her eyes "fine, but if this comes to bite you in the ass." She says and walk towards me "not my fault" she finishes and walks to the door "oh and congrats, on the baby"  she says "thanks" I reply and she leaves. I take a shower and make my way back to Mares room. When I walk in I see her watching tv and eating crackers "nutritious breakfast" I say jokingly "well I tried to make pancakes but I had to put eggs in them and after this morning I wasn't going to risk it" she says, I sit on the couch with her and she leans on me "and crackers where the best substitute" I say and she jokingly punches me "shut up, so what did the premier want to talk to you about?" She asks "oh just some missions I'm going on in about a week." I say, I'm not lying its true I am leaving for the lakeland in a week but I can't tell her what we actually talked about "hm" she says "oh and Clair asked her to marry her and she said yes" I say. She smiles "well tell her congrats" she says and I rub her arm "so about marriage..." she starts "yes..." I reply knowing where she's going with this "do you think we should?" She asks and I pause for a second "well... your family would kill me if I don't" I say and she laughs "I never thought about that" she says and sighs "do you want to?" I ask and she looks at me "I don't know, on one hand we could get it done now before we have the baby and make it easier for us" She says and she's got a point "or... we wait until we're ready to get married, because if I'm being honest I'm far from being ready and we just got back together..." she starts to speed up, but I lean in and kiss her. She leans in and when we separate I say "we can get married whenever you're ready, and if thats never I'm fine with that" I say and she smiles "I know that having a baby is already a huge commitment, so I don't want to freak you out and pressure you to marry me" I say and she tackles me on the couch and kisses me "I love you so much" she says.

Mare POV

Cal and I just chill in the hotel room for the whole day, we eat and watch tv. after about 3 hours I get up to go to the bathroom but as I'm trying to get up I get a sharp pain in my abdomen "ah" I hiss and put my hand on my stomach. Cal immediately starts to get worried "what's wrong?" He asks, but it still hurts. I barley get words out "I... don't...know, Call Sara" I say and he does as I ask. The pain goes on for about a minute and Cal just rubs my back and holds my hand "I'm scared" I whisper so quiet I don't know if he can hear me "I'm sure everything fine" he reassures me. The door swings open and Sara comes rushing in "Mare whats wrong?" She asks and touches my arm. I'm guessing to see whats wrong with me, but by this time the pain had stopped. "I don't know I was getting up to go tp the bathroom and I just started getting a sharp pain in my abdomen" I say and she sighs "oh ok" she says "what was it?" Cal asks beside me "Braxton hicks contractions" she says and I have no idea what that means "they're small contractions that help tone the muscles in your uterus for when you give birth" she says "oh..." I say and Cal lets out a sigh in relief "so it was nothing to worry about?" He asks and she laughs "no, but if they get really bad just call me ok?" She says and I nod "and before I forget, here you go" she says and hands me a bracelet "what's this for?" I ask and she smiles "its to help your nausea" she says and my eyes go wide "wait seriously?!" I yell "woah don't get too excited, I said it will help with your nausea not your aversions" she says "so it stops me from getting randomly sick but not when there's food that makes me want to vomit?" I say and she nods "well its better then nothing" I say and put it on. She stands up and so do I, she looks at me in astonishment "normally women in their first pregnancy don't show until 13-16 weeks, but since you're small and short I guess you've already started showing" she says and I pull around my sweater "its that noticeable huh" I say and she smiles "only for the people who know you best" she says and makes her way to the door, but Cal whispers in my ear "well I think you look sexy" and I blush. "Well ill se you around ok? If you have anymore questions just let me know ok?" She says and I nod "thank you Sara" Cal says "no problem, bye you two" she says and leaves. I turn around and jump onto Cal with my legs wrapped around his torso and start to kiss him, when he gasps for air he asks "what are you doing?" I smile "hopefully you" I say using his cheesy line. He laughs "are you sure" he asks and I answer by attacking him with a kiss. It might be my hormones going crazy, but I've never been more attracted to him then right now.

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