Chapter 34

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*authors note* sorry you guys for not posting for a few days, there where a bunch of changes I had to make to my dissertation since resent news ruins everything. Anyways I'm going to be changing the schedule to Monday, Wednesday, Friday, until I can write enough to do it everyday. Which will probably take around a week or 2. And thanks again for reading my story, it means a lot to me. Thank you guys I could never have asked for a better turn out.

PS: sorry for the short chapter, I wrote it all today while visiting family.

Mare POV

"Come on push" Holly says, but I've been pushing as hard as I can for the past hour "come on Mare a little harder" she says "I'm trying" I say through the pain "relax your face" Cal says but it doesn't make it better. The contraction ends and I let my breath out "ok 20 seconds" she says "come on Mare you're almost there" Cal says wiping my face "I don't know if I can...ahhh" I say and then get a contraction "push 1, 2, 3, 4" holly starts to count "come on Mare" Cal says holding my leg up "UGH I can't I'm sorry I can't " I say falling back and crying "Mare you're so close come on" Holly says Cal puts his hand behind my back pushing me back up "you're strong you can do this" he says "push Mare push" Holly says and I start to push again, the pain starts to get excruciating "ahhh" slips out of my mouth "the baby's crowning, keep pushing" Holly says "come on mare you're almost there" Cal says and I push as hard as I can "auuuuugh" I yell in the pain and then I hear it, the baby crying "she's here" Holly says and puts her on my chest and start to wipe her off "wait she?" Cal asks "its a girl" Holly says but I don't pay attention to that, my baby's in my arms and she's crying "you're so beautiful, yes you are. Shh shh" I say crying and she quiets down "Cal?" Holly says but he's too busy paying attention to our baby girl "cal?" She says again snd he turns his head "do you want to cut the cord?" She asks "are you ok with that" he asks me and I nod not taking my watering eyes off her. She's so beautiful, she has Cal's nose, and I think his hair too, she soo tiny too.


Its been a few hours since Mare had the baby, she's sleeping now and the baby is gone getting some shots and testing done. I hear a knock on the door and then literally everyone I know standing at the door "lets do this in the waiting room" I whisper to everyone and we walk out, they all hug me and say congratulations except for Gisa "so Boy or Girl?" She asks and I smile "its a girl" I say and we go through another round of hugs and congrats "Has Mare told you her name yet?" Her mother asks " no she hasn't" I say and all the girls smile " I'm guessing you all know" I say and they nod "did she have hair?" Farley asks "yes she did, quite a lot" I say. They ask me a few more questions and then I decide to go and check on her. When I get back she's awake "where did you go?" She asks "everyones here, can they come in?" I ask and she smiles " ya sure" she says. I motion for everyone to come in. when they get in her mother goes straight for a hug "you did is honey" she says and Mare smiles "congratulations sweet heart" her father says. Then one of the nurses come in with the baby "she did great on all her tests" the nurse says quietly "great" Mare says and the nurse hands the baby to her "she's beautiful Mare" her father says "I know" she says and every one laughs quietly "so whats her name?" Bree asks "yes what is it" I say sitting next to her on the bed, she smiles "well I though hard about this" she says "her name is Coriane" she says and Julian, Sara and I take in deep breaths "do you like it?" She asks and I smile "its perfect" I say and kiss her head "am I missing something here?" Bree asks "it was my sisters name" Julian says holding back tears. We talk for a while longer about different things "so what colour blood?" Gisa asks "new blood" I say and they all look confused "how do you know its not just red?" Farley asks holding Clara "remember how they would look at the papers to see who were new blood? They do a test that can tell you?" I say "oh ya" she says "do you not know if Clara is?" Mare asks and she shakes her head.

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