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The next day...

"We're back cousin", Ja comes in with a smiling Kyrie

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"We're back cousin", Ja comes in with a smiling Kyrie

"Mi sei mancato, figlio mio", I say pulling the boy into my arms

I could feel myself getting wrapped around his finger again. I've decided not to let him leave my life again. Mine or not.

"I gotta go to work, but I'll see you later", Ja says leaving as I nod

I took Ashlyn home at like five in the morning and came back home to smoke a blunt and take a nap because she a fucking piece of work.

I got too many problems on my own to be worrying about hers too. Her anger issues are bad, and that's something coming from a mentally ill killer.

"Dad we go get ice cream later?", he asks as I laugh

"Yeah we can do whatever you wanna do...", I say as he smiles

He gets up to put on his shoes, and I go to grab my keys when a knock interrupts us.


"Come in", I say to the door

"Hey hoe", Amira says coming into the door

"Fuck outta here moe...", I say frowning

She laughs and comes to hug me before bouncing over to Kyrie.

"My snuggums", She coos kissing Kyrie's face all over.

"Auntee stop it", He laughs moving his face out of her way

"Go use the bathroom before we go Kyrie", I say watching him run off to the bathroom

"Am I wrong to still have a little doubt about actually getting some custody?", I ask sighing

"Yeah. His mama is a trifling ass bitch, but this is your son we are talking about. Blood or no blood. All he knows is you and your his daddy", She says poking my chest

"Imma talk to Lina about some kind of split custody. Maybe the weekends or something.", I say as my phone goes off.

"Hello?", I ask

"This is principal Larkins. Your cousin was just involved in a fight that could be counted as assault. Not to mention her and another student jumped the young girl and her parents are looking to press charges", He says as I sigh

"I don't give a fuck to be honest. Ask her why the hell she didn't call her damn parents or brothers instead of me?", I ask bluntly

My eyes look to Amira who rolls her eyes. She instead chose to tackle Kyrie who was coming from the bathroom. His laugh echoing in the space.

"She said they were busy and you were the only one available", He says as I smack my lips and focus back in on the phone call

"Ight mane bye. I'm coming", I say grabbing my keys

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