C h a p t e r 14

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Later that evening

I wake to Kyson playing in my hair and Kyrie snuggled into my chest

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I wake to Kyson playing in my hair and Kyrie snuggled into my chest.

"What you doing beast?", I ask looking back at him

"Just thinking", he says

"I wanna take y'all out", he adds as I nod

"Okay...lemme get dressed", I say moving Kyrie on him to get up and go to the bathroom

I brush my teeth and pull my hair into a tight ponytail before doing my eyebrows and lashes.

"Yo step mommy so beautiful Kyrie", Kyson says looking at me with Kyrie leaning on him.

"Ashlyn is the beautifulest women in the world daddy!", Kyrie says smiling at me with his messy bed head

"Step mommy?", I ask with a smile

"Hell yeah. Just wait on it", he says causing a blush to form on my cheeks

I add lipgloss to my lips and poke them out my beast.

He kisses them and pushes me aside gently to get to the sink.

"Babe is it formal?", I ask as he shakes his head

"Whatever you feel like wearing. Wear it", He says looking through the mirror at me

I nod and walk to the closet where most of my clothes from my house were.

I change into some high waisted jeans and a long sleeve red crop top before adding my Ugg's. My MK purse held my wallet, keys, and phone that I was taking with.

"I'm ready. Hurry up", I say pulling Kyrie to the room. I put him on a red long sleeve shirt and jeans that matched the color of mine before putting his timbs on his feet.

"Damn Ashlyn. We got time", He says stepping out of the bathroom

My man is so sexy even when he was dressed casual. He had on a red nike hoodie with low riding jeans and his red yeezys.

"I need to go do something real quick before we leave. I promise I'm coming right back. Trust me", he says kissing my lips and walking out the room

I shrug and climb on the bed with Kyrie before getting on my instagram. Charlie came in the door a little while later and hopped up on the bed to cuddle.

I swear we waited on him for a hour before I sighed and started taking off my shoes.

"Why you taking yo shit off bae", he says coming in the room just when I was thinking he wouldn't show

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