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This is just a small cute Filler

Play song This is just a small cute Filler

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"Kyson move. I'm hot", I groan pushing at his arms and legs that were tangled around me. His dick was rubbing against my ass with every move he made, and it was making my body hot and my pussy clench.

He smacks his lips, but let's me go and turns around away from me. I swear Kyson is like a boa constrictor when he goes asleep.

"You need to get up anyways. It's ten o clock in the morning. We need to go grocery shopping remember? You said we would go when Kyrie went with his mom, so it wouldn't be hectic", I say looking over at him

"later", he groans in a husky voice filled with sleep

"No! Now Kyson!", I say smacking at his back

He simple grunts out a muddled reply, and goes back to sleep.

"I can't stand you", I huff ready to get out the bed when an arm reaches out and pulls me back into his arms.

"Move Kyson", I say wiggling from his arm


"You what?", He asks rubbing the tender spot on my ass he just slapped

His lips move down to my neck to play with the sensitive skin behind my ear.

"Nothing", I moan tilting my head to give him better access

"Stop playing with me Ashlyn.", He says pulling me my back flush to his front both of us laying on our side.

His hand moves down between us to adjust my panties and his boxers before thrusting into me with no warning.

"SHIT", I scream throwing my head back against his shoulder

The pain spread through my body followed by an addictive wave of pleasure that had my toes curling tightly.

"Wait!", I groan digging my nails into the arm around my waist for support

"Nah", He says pulling out to thrust back in

He continued at a fast sharp pace, and I barely had time to recuperate from the last thrust before he gives me another.

"Kyson! It hurts so fucking good", I cry tears running from my eyes

I feel his smile in my neck the same time I feel his finger toying with my clit.

"I know baby. Show daddy how good it feels.", he whispers in my ear slowing down his thrusts to lazily stroke my g-spot without even trying

I moan and push my ass further into him, sinking him further into me as my climax hits me.

Kyson's laugh fills the room and he pulls out looking down at the bed that was filled with my liquid.

"Bae got that gushy", he jokes flipping me on my back

His head disappears under the cover and his tongue meets my core to clean up the mess I made.

"Fuck", I moan my fingers automatically going to his hair

A few minutes later, his face was hovering over mine and his smile was lighting up the room.

"Stop smiling.", I say mushing his lips together

My eyes trail his body and eye his hard dick before realizing he didn't get off.

"Bae? Why didn't you...", I start but his kiss cuts me off

"I'll handle it later. I would have killed yo pregnant ass if I fucked you how I wanted. You was already saying it hurt", he laughs easing off the bed to pick me up into his arms

"Stop lying", I say pouting

He WAS about to kill me. That position hurt but in a good way if you get what I mean. He was only fucking me with half his dick but I would have died if he gave me the whole thing like that.

"Ight bae", he says smacking his lip and walking us to the bathroom

We take a quick shower and brush our teeth.

I change the sheets, and climb right back into the bed.

"What about grocery shopping?", Kyson asks with a smile climbing into the king sized bed next to me

"Later", I say honestly because my legs weren't working properly and I just wanted to sleep.

"Dick got you tired", He laughs looking away from me to the tv

"Dick got you tired", He laughs looking away from me to the tv

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He get on my nerves...


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