C h a p t e r 42

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Warning 🚨, Sad Things Ahead, but done give up on the book because IT WILL GET BETTER FOR THEM. I promise!

"Bae I'm going to get the mail okay?", I say knowing he was gonna freak about me going outside the gate

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"Bae I'm going to get the mail okay?", I say knowing he was gonna freak about me going outside the gate

"I'll get it", He says jumping up from the couch where he was reading to Cruz and Kyrie

"No I got it. Nothing is going to happen, okay...", I say patting his chest and walking the short distance to the door

"Bae I just don't want you walking out there by yourself", he says sighing

"Being pregnant is not a handicap babe. I should be able to walk to the gate by myself", I huff walking outside and closing the door behind me

The spring air brought upon a breathe of fresh air as I made my way down the concrete slab to the golden gate that enclosed us from the outside world.

"Pweety", I hear as soon as the gate closed behind me

I look around for the child like voice and see a little girl playing with a frog on the lawn across from ours. There was a small house in the distance, but no one lived there, so the fact that a child was just here was frightening. She looked to be only one or two.

I start to walk to her, but before I can she runs into the road behind the frog who jumped from her arms.

The screech of a car meets my ears and before I can react I'm running full speed into the road to save the child from the accident. My arms wrap around her and my body weight pushes us both from the road over into the grass.

"Fuck", I groan my stomach taking most of the impact

When she lands, She cries rubbing at her eyes

"Hey it's okay", I say looking down at the blood that coated my thighs

"It's okay", I repeat thanking God that Kyson didn't let me go anywhere without a emergency pager

"Kyson is gonna come help us", I say looking at her arm that was slightly crooked

"hurt", she whines clutching the arm

I access her for more damage but that was all I could see which is good because she would have most likely died if the car hit her.

"It's going to be okay baby girl", I say trying not to look at all the blood that was coming from me or the pain that was radiating around my back and stomach.

Inside my head I was freaking out but on the outside I stayed calm as to not stress out my baby or the baby currently panicking in my arms.

"Baby! Baby!", I hear as soon as I start to lose consciousness

"Fuck", Kyson curses as my body is lifted up

"Kyson call the police. Get the baby to safety. I'm fine. We are fine", I mumble with a pain filled groan finally slipping into darkness


I wake up to a faint beeping, and the tear stained face of Kyson in the corner with his hand in his head.

"What's wrong?...where's my baby?", I immediately ask sitting up despite the dizziness I feel

"Fuck bruh. I thought I lost you", He cries rushing over to me

"Kyson...where. Is. My. Baby!", I cry pushing him away from me

He doesn't get to answer as the Doctor comes in and he is also wearing a sad smile.

"I'm sorry to tell you...", he says but my brain tunes out as I finally register the situation

I died and broke down inside when I realized I lost my baby.

"No. No. No. Noooooooo", I cried pulling at my hair

"I'm so sorry", I hear as I cry

"I want my baby", I croak not bothering to look up

"There was nothing we could do. The fall forcefully put stress on your baby and it couldn't take it", he says placing a hand on my shoulder as I scream out

"I WANT MY BABY", I scream as my body rocks in sobs

"Ashlyn", A familiar voice says as I curl up into a ball

"Ma-ma", that gets me to at least look up and register that Kyrie, Cruz, and Jaili were in front of me

"Mama hurt", Cruz says pouting sadly

"Only this once. Mommy is hurting", I say truthfully as tears cloud my vision again

"It's okay ma. I got you", Kyrie says pushing my hair out of my face gently

Kyrie slowly crawls into the bed and lays his head on my chest as I wrap my arms around him and sniffle into his warm body.

They was supposed to be a big brothers, and all four of us were supposed to be okay.

I don't regret what I did. I saved a little girl today that might grow up to be something in this world. Watching her die would most likely break me the same way this is breaking me. I'm not hurt I saved the little girl. I'm hurt because It took my baby from me in the process. I wish I could have stopped her before she ran out in the road. Maybe then they would both be safe.

"Baby I know your hurting, but We will get through this", Kyson says kissing my head

Family comes in and out of the room either crying for me or telling me that's it would get better. I really didn't hear most as I stared into space with only one thought on my mind.

The little girls that led me to where I am today.

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