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"Babe what about Kyrie's room?", I ask Kyson as he works on the nursery

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"Babe what about Kyrie's room?", I ask Kyson as he works on the nursery

During these past three months, we have acquired so much baby stuff from Ashlee and his family. When I say we have more than enough stuff, even that is an understatement.

The extra room was practically overfilled with stuff we had to organize and put away for the baby.

Not to mention Kyrie had tons of toys and gaming consoles in the living room that he had yet to play with from his sixth birthday party we had a month ago in our house.

On another note two months ago, was me and Kyson's birthday that we spent pretty much fucking and laying around the house neither of us wanting to do much to celebrate. I was the big nineteen while Kyson was twenty-five.

"We will work on it later. He is fine sleeping with us or in the guest room for now.", Kyson says tightening a screw on the crib

Despite all the boxes we had to organize, we were just gonna focus on the nursery for now. We were starting with the dressers, closet, and crib, so while Kyson worked on that I questioned him on what he wanted to name our baby boy since I was eight months and our date was approaching us in less than a month.

"Uhm okay...baby names?" I ask

"Landen, Kayvon, Cruz, Kamari, And Kyro,", He says as I laugh

"I like them all especially Kyro, Kayvon, and Cruz", I say shrugging

"I know exactly what I want his name to be", he says smiling

"I'm picking the middle name though", I say already knowing what I wanted it to be too

"I'm cool with that", he says finishing the crib

Once the main furniture was done, we started putting up diapers and all the clothes that he had.

We were gonna do an all blue nursery, because of course it's adorable for a baby boy, but it wasn't us. I hated one color nursery's and so did Kyson. So we did things our own way.

"You decorate it, and imma go get us something to eat", he says standing up and leaving me alone with all the bags.

"Fuck you", I mumble before sitting in the middle of the room to organize


His ass had been gone for three hours, and I was basically finished with everything, but I was starving and ready for him to bring me my food. Charlie was laid across my lap sleeping while I scrolled Instagram.

"Daddy's home! Home for me", He sings busting through the door without food as I roll my eyes

"Where the fuck you been and where the food?!", I ask throwing a pillow at him

"I forgot about the food and the Tattoo shop bae", he says as I squint my eyes

"You get a new tattoo like every month Kyson", I say looking at all the tattoos littering his arm including our tattoo, and Kyrie's name in bold.

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