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I think my life despite everything is perfect

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I think my life despite everything is perfect. I found a women who loves me to death. I got custody of my child, and The love of my life couldn't be more happy about it. Only thing left to do was lock everything into place.

"I'm so big to be only four months", she whine pulling her shirt over her head

"Baby. Can you come straight home after school?", I ask watching her

She barely goes as it is, but today was some kind of senior meeting.

"Sure baby. I'll be out of school at 1:00", she says picking up her bag and kissing me on the lips before bending down to kiss Kyrie from where he slept on the bed.

It's like Kyrie can sense when he is not on beauty's chest because he starts whimpering and tossing and turning.

"Charlie makes sure I don't forget him", She laughs petting the cat who was pawing at her leg

"I love y'all", she says walking towards the door.

"Be good baby. We love you too ", I say pulling out my phone to confirm my plans with our family.

Now all I had to do was control my nerves, and not fuck up.


"Baby I'm home", She asks coming into the door

She gasps and confusion flickers in her eyes as she takes in the eyes of my entire family and Ashlee.

"What are you guys doing here?", she asks as I laugh and pull her into the room

"Beauty beauty beauty", I tsk walking around her

"Beast stop playing", She laughs dropping her bags to cross her arms

"You think she ready Kyrie?", he asks as Kyrie smiles

"Yep", He says going over to a little speaker and pressing play

"Never" by Jaheim fills the room and I laugh because he always told me he thought about this song when describing us

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"Never" by Jaheim fills the room and I laugh because he always told me he thought about this song when describing us.

"Kyson? Don't make me start crying", I say wiping my tears

"Just listen baby", he says grabbing my hands in his

"I see that, you are my shining star
I mean that, that you got my heart and now
I hold your hand cause you make me a stronger man
I wish that could place the whole world in front of you
But a man is just a man so baby here my vow to you baby
Never, Will I break your heart
Never, Will we ever part", he sings playfully but his voice was deep and perfect

"Kyson I love you, but what are you doing?", I ask until he drops to his knee and everything finally connects

he was kneeled on one knee in front of me with that heart dropping smile of his and a ring box in his hand.

"Damn baby! You got me tearing up and shit too. At first I thought we were a disaster in the making. You screamed, I screamed, and we both wanted the other to apologize first. We were a mess.Then it was like a flip switched and suddenly you were all I ever thought about. Our future. Our family, and Our love. I realized that if it's ever taken away from me then I wouldn't be able to live. You, Kyrie, and my other "son" Are my life. ", He says

I laughed through my tears at how he just knew it was a boy and looked into his eyes to see nothing but truthfulness

"Let me make this promise to you as your future husband to stand by you and be here for you forever while in turn you Promise to do the same. As my future wife. Will you marry me?", he finishes as I sniffle and turn to look at everyone before breaking out into a big smile

"I promised I would never leave you remember? Of course I will marry you", I nod reaching my hand up to wipe my tears

He slips the ring on my finger and pulls me into him while I smile into his chest.

He slips the ring on my finger and pulls me into him while I smile into his chest

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"I love you Beauty", he says kissing my lips as the family cheers

"I love you more Beast", I say cupping his face in my hands

"Aye you owe me twenty dollars. I told you she would be pregnant before he proposed", Kaiser says holding his hand out to A'Jai who just mushed his face out of the way

"I'm so happy for you sister", Ashlee says pulling me from Kyson's arms into her own.

She had a beautiful baby boy named Ashton who was being cuddled by Amira. I had witnessed his birth first hand three months ago . Amira right there next to me. Ashlee and Amira were always together though ,and I would say it was weird, but that was before I saw the crown dangling from her neck.

"So you weren't gonna tell me about you and Amira", I ask as she blushes

"I'll tell you all about it some day, but how did you know?", She asks as I smirk

"Only Santino's have crowns, and It couldn't be anybody else's. I see it in the way she looks at you", I say kissing her cheek and going over to Amira to see my nephew

"Ashton. Teetee's big man", I coo kissing the babies soft cheeks

"So you know?", She asks as I laugh

"Of course I do", I say looking up at her to give her a stern look

"I love you and all, but we gone fight if you hurt my sister", I say as she laughs and pulls me in for a hug careful of Ashton

"Wouldn't dream of it little sis", She says kissing my forehead

I nod, and turn to go look back for my man when I see him twerking on his mother with a playful expression.

Kaiser, Ja, And Keon were throwing money on them, and Kyrie was picking up the dollars secretly.

They were a mess, but I'm glad to be apart of this family. It wasn't perfect, but I guess that's what made it so fun.

"Baby come help me give my mama a lap dance", he says motioning me over as I smile

"Don't bring my daughter-in-law into your craziness", Kaide says giving me a side hug

I laugh and look down at the ring on my finger with a blush.

I was about to be Mrs. Ashlyn Santino.

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