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"Oh fuck! Kyson", I moan pushing his head further into my pussy

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"Oh fuck! Kyson", I moan pushing his head further into my pussy

"Mhmm", he moans back

His tongue swirling around my clit pushing me towards my fourth orgasm of the night.

"Ma. What y'all doing?", Kyrie asks from behind the closed door

"Shit Kyson Move", I tense pushing him back and pulling down my night gown

"Fuck man", He groans falling back onto the pillow

"What's wrong Kyrie?", I ask opening the door for him

"I couldn't sleep, and you said I could come to you whenever I couldn't", he says walking into my arms hesitantly like he was in trouble

"Calm down little beast. Your not in trouble. It happens baby", I say looking over at Kyson

"Kyson change the sheets while I go get him some warm milk", I say walking out the door to the kitchen with Kyrie trailing behind me

"Ma...dad said you were gonna give us a baby sister", he says climbing on the island chair

"Yes, I'm having a little girl", I smile as he nods

"If another boy touches her other than us I'm gonna kill him", Kyrie says as innocently as possible

"Other boys are gonna touch your sister Kyrie. She's gonna grow up and have her own boy one day", I say handing him a cup of warm vanilla milk as he growls

"No! No one touches her mommy. She is gonna be too little and we are gonna protect her", he says getting angry

"Okay rie, drink your milk", I say not bothering to tell him how wrong he was

"Im done now Bae. I got him. And I just heard everything he said. It was too fucking funny", Kyson laughs walking into the kitchen

"Kyson you really got them thinking my daughter is gonna be some little helpless thing", I say smacking his head

"Bae if she is anything like you she IS gonna be little and we just wanna make sure she is protected", He says waving me off

"I can already tell imma be the good responsible parent", I say rolling my eyes

"I was never one to be good", he smirks slapping my ass

Thirty minutes later, we were all cuddled up together with Kyrie snuggled into my stomach.

"Damn I'm finna go get Cruz. I need both my boys", Kyson says leaving the room and coming back a short while later with Cruz sleeping soundly in his arms

He places him next to Kyrie, and we all fall asleep right under each other.


When I wake up, Kyrie is already Gone for school and Kyson is nowhere to be found.

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