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"We are gonna meet your uncle today", I say pulling Kyrie's hair back into a ponytail

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"We are gonna meet your uncle today", I say pulling Kyrie's hair back into a ponytail

He was sitting on the floor with Cruz between his legs watching Paw Patrol.

"Really?...is he nice?", Kyrie asks with a raised eyebrow

"I'm sure he is great. He is Auntee Kendalyn's dad", I say fixing the flyaways before notifying him that he could get up

We were all showered and dressed in comfy clothes to meet with Kevin and his wife Aliyah. I'm sure they were nice people, but I couldn't help but be anxious after all I have heard.


I suck in a deep breath and unlock the door only to be left with what I least expected. I expected a burly man with tons of muscles and a bald head, but was instead met with a handsome pale man with a head full of dark brown hair and a beautiful smile. He was definitely of Italian decent though and he was with a beautiful women with tan skin and short curly hair.

"Hello I'm Ashlyn", I say reaching my hand out but he just pulls me into a hug

"We are family young one", he says once he let me go

I smile and let them in to meet Kyrie and Cruz.

Kevin automatically squats down and chats with Kyrie who seems skeptical at first but eventually lets him pick up Cruz.

"They are so handsome. And if you didn't know beautiful, I'm Aliyah", the women says patting my shoulder

"Thank you, and you are beautiful too. You don't look a day over twenty-five", I say looking at her curves and clear skin

"You are the sweetest. I'm so happy I finally have a girl near me that isn't a whole hour away", she says hugging me

"Yeah. It was gonna be hard being pregnant alone until they find Kyson.", I say causing Kevin to pop his head up

"Find Kyson? Kyson isn't missing.", He says as my eyes widen

"Where is he? Is he coming here? Ja said they didn't know where he was", I ramble walking closer to him

"Did Kyson know you were pregnant?", He asks ignoring my questions

"No. I was supposed to tell him, but he disappeared", I say as he looks concerned

"Bae...take the kids to the kitchen and let me talk to Ashlyn real quick", he says waving her off

She gives me a reassuring smile before taking Cruz from him.

"Cmon Kyrie...let Auntee Aliyah show you how to make fruit salad", she says with him eagerly following at the mention of fruit

Once they were gone Kevin turns towards me with a hard look on his face.

"How many months are you?", He asks looking at my stomach

"Almost a month", I say as he nods his head

"I'm not sure when Kyson will be able to see you. Hopefully before you have your baby, but he is in a lot of trouble with a lot of people right now. He shouldn't have left with you being in the cold about everything.", he says

"What do you mean in trouble with a lot of people?", I question my lip between my teeth

"Our gang is at war with who I think is your ex Koby's family gang. Kyson took care of the problem, but that not only lead the rest of the gang to him, but also the cops. He needs to lay low until all this blows over", Kevin says rubbing my back when he sees my eyes fill with tears

"I understand, but I do not want to stay in this big house all alone with no protection", I say wiping my eyes

"That's where I come in princess...I will not only be your protection, but I will also teach you how to protect yourself on your own. Even while pregnant", he says taking my hands in his to form fists

"You will know how to uses your fists and how to use your weapons", He says dropping them

"How will Kyson feel about all this?", I ask as he shrugs

"I am no longer in communication with Kyson. Lay low means not talking to anyone over the phone, so that means he won't know", He says gauging my reaction

"Okay. When do we start?", I ask knowing that I had to learn how to protect my boys, so what happened at our old town won't happen again


"Very good...Again!", Kevin says motioning for me to punch the bag again

We had been training for a month, and though it was strenuous I loved it.

"You are doing excellent. In a couple months, you won't even recognize the girl that you have become"...

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