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"Kyson imma beat yo ass! Stop!", I yell smacking his hands off me

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"Kyson imma beat yo ass! Stop!", I yell smacking his hands off me

"Why you tripping bae?", he asks groaning

I was tripping because I woke up early to iron and get thinks done to get ready by brunch, and his childish ass was down here playing the game like we didn't have shit to do today. Then he had the nerve to try to kiss me Goodmorning.

"Why you down here like we ain't got nowhere to be Kyson?", I ask smacking his head

"We got time Bae. The kids still sleep. Why you rushing?", He asks finally looking up at me with low red eyes

"Really Kyson!", I say angrily at the fact that he choose today to get high

"Yes really Ashlyn. Why the fuck you got an attitude?", he asks pushing me back slightly when he sees me about to get in his face.

"You know what...I can handle everything on my own. Continue playing the game", I say slapping his head one last time before walking past him

"Put yo little ass hands on me one more time Ashlyn. I fucking dare you", He says turning to look at me with eyes dark with dominance, I simply roll my eyes and continue walking to the kitchen

I had everybody's outfits already laid out, and their snack boxes packed for the hour drive. All I needed to do was feed them and get them ready.

"Morning ma", Kyrie says poking his head out of his room

"Morning my love", I smile walking to his door

"Don't turn on that game. Go get ready for breakfast", I say kissing his head and walking to our room where Cruz and Corianna were asleep.

"Wake up Chunka", I say patting his diaper that he only wears at night

"Da-Da", he whines as soon as he opens his eyes

"Okay let mommy change you then you can go see daddy", I say changing him into a pull up and brushing his little teeth

He takes it upon himself to wake Corianna, and hand her a toothbrush.

"Huh", He says placing it into her hand

She yawns and lets me change her diaper too and brush her teeth.

They sit on the floor and play on their tablets while I freshen up.

"My bad butts", I smile giving them kisses

"Let's go", I say leading them with me to the stairs which they climb down. Kyson showed them how after he got tired of carrying them down.

Kyrie had a plate in his hand watching Kyson play the game with slight anger. Kyrie always watches Tom and Jerry in the morning, so I know he is mad that Kyson is taking up the tv.

"Da are you done yet? You mad stingy moe", Kyrie huffs with his arms crossed

Kyrie turned into another person when he is mad, and that sometimes makes me nervous for the future.

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