C h a p t e r 28

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"Goodmorning", I say sitting up from the bed with a yawn

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"Goodmorning", I say sitting up from the bed with a yawn

Kyrie was next to his dad with Cruz in his lap, drinking his bottle.

"Morning baby...you slept alright?", Kyson asks

I nod, and get out the bed to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"I can get them now. You need to sleep too Kyson", I say walking back to our room to gently pick up Cruz from them

Kyson has been staying up with Cruz for the past week of his little life, and I know it was starting to take a toll on him.

"I'm good Beauty.", He says shaking his head

"Sleep", I say seriously while patting the babies back to burp him.

He goes to argue, but is cut off by the small burp of our son.

"Ight man", he laughs poking his lips out for a kiss

"C'mon Kyrie. Let's go make breakfast for your dad", I say after giving my man some loving

"Can we make pancakes?", Kyrie asks with a frown

"Whatever you want baby", I say holding my hand out for his

He nods and takes my hand as I lead us both to the kitchen.

What we making little beast?", I ask placing the baby in the bassinet that was located just outside our open kitchen

"Pancakes!", He says grabbing a spoon

I smile and together we set out on the task of making smiley faced pancakes and bacon.

"I think we did pretty good...what you think?", I ask passing him a piece of pancake

"It's Good mommy", he says after tasting it

"Gimme kiss", I say poking my lips out to him

He smiles and gives me three kisses before walking away from me to his little brother.

"I love Cruz. He is gonna he my Bestfriend", Kyrie says

"That is so sweet", I say smiling

He smiles down at the baby before placing hand against the bassinet to peek at him

"Come eat Kyrie", I say peeking in the bassinet at the content baby

Kyrie runs to the table and begins eating just as his dad walks out our room.

"I can't sleep...I just wanna be with my family", Kyson says walking to the bassinet

Our babies' eyes open when his daddy's voice is heard and their eyes connect.

A small whine escapes his pouty lips and Kyson picks him up without a second thought

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A small whine escapes his pouty lips and Kyson picks him up without a second thought.

"Kyrie made you pancakes and bacon", I say placing his plate on the table

He takes his seat and ruffles Kyrie's long curly hair that was in desperate need of braiding.

"Thank you Rie", Kyson says proudly

"Welcome dad...Eat now", Kyrie commands with a smile

Together we eat, and then I change and feed Cruz again before putting him down for a nap in his crib with the baby monitor on. Kyrie then got his bath and we read a few books and played for a while before he fell back asleep too.

I take the time to clean the kitchen, and dining room that was messy from our morning.

"Now, it's just me and my big baby", Kyson says with the biggest smile on his face

"Im not a damn baby", I say slapping his chest with a laugh

"Whatever man", Kyson says opening the fridge to pull out some fruit

"Whatchu doing?", I ask poking his back

"I want some Fruit Ashlyn", He says like it was obvious

I mean it kinda was...

"Baby", I say poking him again

He resumes his fruit cutting while my poking resumes.

"Stop ignoring me", I whine wrapping my arms around him

"You not a baby, remember?", he says laughing as I frown

"I just want attention. I don't have to be a baby to want my future husband to give me love", I say as he reverses our positions with a shake of his head and wraps his arms around me to finish cutting the fruit.

He picks up a strawberry from the bowl and turns to me.

"Open", He says placing the strawberry to my mouth

I open slowly and bite into the fruit before taking the remaining piece and sucking his finger clean.

"I love you", he say sucking his finger after pulling it from my mouth

I smile and lean forwards to kiss his cheek before pushing him back some

"I love you too, but I can't exactly show you until five more weeks", I say trying to diffuse the sexual tension as he laughs

"Baby girl there are other ways to show me", he says rubbing my bottom lip making me blush

"You nasty Beast", I say picking up another strawberry only to have it stolen from me

"That was mine", I say smiling

"Take it then", he says reaching it out to me

I almost take it but he snatches it back.

He holds it up and I stand on my tip toes only to be lifted from my feet and placed around his waist like I didn't push a baby out of me recently.

"Here baby", he says placing it to my mouth and feeding it to me as I blush more

"Your so beautiful to me", he says wiping the excess juice with his fingers

"Stop your making me blush", I say wrapping my arms around his neck

"And you make it hard to breath", He says pulling me closer

I look from his eyes to his lips as he smiles.

"How?", I say laying my head in his neck

"Your scent is intoxicating and your smile alone takes my breath away", he says walking until my back hits the island

I look up at him just as he places me on the island.

"Aww Kyson", I whisper as he tilts my head back with his finger under my chin before placing his lips softly on mine.

I respond by licking his lips and wrapping my arms around his neck.

His tongue gently invades my mouth as I whine, and pull him closer. He pulls away just as I needed to catch my breath.

I moan breathlessly as his lips leave mine to kiss both cheeks, my nose, and my forehead.

"Now you see how I feel", he says watching me pant with a smile

"I would have nothing, If I did not have you", I say placing my lips back on his for a millisecond before pulling back again

"I would probably be dead without you. Just as you take my breath you also restore it", he says giving my lips another kiss

"Thank you for giving me my son, being a mother to my other one, and giving me unconditional love", he says hugging me and letting me lay my head in his neck

Your welcome

Beauty Within A BeastWhere stories live. Discover now