C h a p t e r 15

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It was Monday night, and that mean Kyrie was getting ready to go with his mama

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It was Monday night, and that mean Kyrie was getting ready to go with his mama. It worked out for me though because I have a meeting with Amira and Kaiser tomorrow anyways.

"Baby I don't think he wants to go", Beauty says kissing Kyrie all over his face

"Ashlyn that tickles", Kyrie squeals pushing her away with a cute giggle

"Bae let him go.", I say laughing when Kyrie starts to wiggle out of her grasp

"Baby for real. Tell his mama that you will keep him tonight and she should just wait to tomorrow. It's raining and I don't want Lina getting hurt coming over here", She says nodding her head in thought like that was a good excuse

Me and her both know she don't like Lina and couldn't care less if she got hurt or not.

"It stopped raining ten minutes ago Ashlyn. What's wrong with you", I ask when her eyes tear up

"Imma miss him.", She sniffles as I pinch the bridge of my nose

"Mane baby you scaring me", I say taking Kyrie out of her tight grasp

"Don't cry Ashlyn. I love you, okay?", Kyrie whines reaching back for her when he sees her crying

"I love you too Rie.", She says crying even harder at this.

She just sits there crying her eyes out for no real reason as I watch. What was I supposed to do?

"Ashlyn whatchu crying for?", I ask as she shrugs

"Bae yo period must be on", I say rubbing her back and letting Kyrie squeeze between us

They hug just as the door rings and Lina walks in.

"Hoe", Ashlyn says looking up

"Bitch", Lina says pulling Kyrie from her and grabbing the bag from me before walking out

"My boobs hurt. Hold me.", Ashlyn says wrapping her arms around my waist to lay her head on my chest

"You been saying that shit all week Ash", I say picking her up to walk us to the couch

My favorite thing has been holding my Beauty and Kyrie close to me. Anytime they are in my arms I feel like nothing can harm them. I love that shit moe.

Her legs wrap around me as I lay back and rub her ass in my hands.

"Keep doing that and you gone have a wet spot on your shorts", She says moving my hands to her back

I rub my hands from her back to stomach in a gentle stroking motion repeatedly smiling as her eyes shut and her body gets heavier on mine.

"I love you so much", she whispers sleepily

"I love you more Beauty", I say moving my hands back to her ass

It was addicting.




"Wake up please", Ashlyn says shaking me awake with a sad face

"Wassuh. Why you pouting mamas?", I ask confused

"I'm sorry", she says as I blink my eyes several times

"For what?", I ask as she hands me my phone

"FUCK! COME ON!", I say grabbing my keys and rushing out the house with her following behind me

I focus on the road because at the point I was worried about getting in a wreck with the way my eyes kept watering.

Ashlyn just turns in the seat and stares at me with a pity filled look.

I wanna say something to let her know I was okay , but my head was killing me, and the voices were screaming louder than they ever were.

We reach the hospital, and I run in to see my family looking at me sadly while I shake my head.

"He didn't make it. They said the cancer ate him from the inside out, and when he got to the hospital he was taking his last breaths.", My dad says trying to come closer to me

"NO!", I cry taking a step back from him but he pulled me to him anyways

"That was like my other father!", I sob breaking down in his embrace

Ashlyn tries to come to me, but Ja gently pulls her back into a hug to rub her back gently.

"Let him calm down", he says when my head starts to throb and I start to shake uncontrollably

"We are so sorry Kyson, but you have to calm down baby.", My mom says hugging me and telling me to breath.


"KYSON!", Ashlyn cries as my vision blurs and the voices get louder


"Kyson breathe baby"


And then everything was black.

When it rain it pours.

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