C h a p t e r 36

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"Where the fuck are you going?", I ask looking up from the bed to where Kyson was throwing shit in a duffle bag

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"Where the fuck are you going?", I ask looking up from the bed to where Kyson was throwing shit in a duffle bag

"Bae I really need you to trust me. The gang house was blown up yesterday, and it killed ten workers. Amira is furious and she is making all of us come in", he says not looking up from the bag

I know exactly when Kyson was lying, and right now he was definitely lying. His ears were red and his hands were twitching plus he couldn't even look in my eyes and say that bullshit. I have no doubt that it is about the gang, but Ashlee texted me this morning asking to go to breakfast. If something actually happened Ashlee would have warned me.

"Okay", I shrug laying back down

"Okay? Just okay?", Kyson asks finally looking up at me

"What do you want me to say beast? Stay? You said yourself that the business was important to you. I'm not selfish enough to make you choose", I say pretending that it wasn't affecting me

"I promise I'll be back later today. Be safe and know I love you", He says kissing my head, cheek, and lips before looking at me for a minute straight and rushing out the room door

I heard Cruz's room door open where he was most likely cuddling Cruz and Kyrie before he left. Kyrie has been sleeping in his room but the only way he would is if we put Cruz's in there with him, so we ended up just decorating them a room together with a crib for Cruz and a twin bed for Kyrie. He claims he needed to watch over his brother at all times. It was adorable, and Kyson always told him how brothers were forever and the bond they had would take them through life.

After another five minutes, the front door slams, and I immediately take my phone out to text Kaiser and Ja so they could keep me updated with everything that was happening.

Throughout the day, my eyes were glued to my phone thinking something would pop up, but it never did. After putting the boys down for bed, I finally realized I had to take matters into my own hands.


"Goodmorning Mommy. Cruz is still sleeping", Kyrie says climbing into my bed to hug me the next morning

I sit up and look in the mirror at my puffy tear stained eyes. No one has heard from Kyson, but they always assured me that he can handle his self.

"Goodmorning Rie. Today I'm going to visit Amira, and the babysitter is going to watch you and Cruz. Be good for me and watch after your brother", I say running my fingers through his hair gently

"I can do it Mom. I'm a big boy", he says smiling widely

"Okay, let mommy call the babysitter, and get dressed", I say kissing his head and placing him next to me before calling a babysitter I have always trusted to watch Kyrie and Cruz

"Hello Carla? I really need you to watch Cruz and Kyrie for me while I run an errand", I say through the phone

"I will be there in about ten minutes", she says assuringly

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