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Same Day

As soon as we got home from the zoo, I fed both my boys, bathe them, and put them down for bed

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As soon as we got home from the zoo, I fed both my boys, bathe them, and put them down for bed.

"Night Kyrie...I love you little beast", I say tucking him in and kissing his face

"Night Mommy, I love you too", He says sleepily

I smile and walk to the crib in the corner of the room where Cruz was up and cooing.

I smile and walk to the crib in the corner of the room where Cruz was up and cooing

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"You need to sleep Chunka", I smile caressing his fat feet


"What!", I answer exiting my room with a ticked off expression as soon as I saw the caller ID

"Don't fucking answer me what! Why the fuck you ain't answering my damn texts. Huh? Huh? HUH! I know you fucking seen them", he snaps making me pull my ear away from the phone and widen my eyes

"Who the fuck are you talking to Kyson", I ask my left eye twitching something serious

"Ashlyn I swear I will beat your ass if you keep acting like I'm somebody to play with. Ian spoke to my boys all day, and you can't even pick up the phone and let me know they okay?", He asks as I smack my lips

"You wasn't worried about them when your dumbass was at the club with a bitch on your lap", I argue rolling my eyes

"Mane here you go jumping to conclusions.", He starts but is quickly met with silence as I end the call

Ion wanna here his shit ass excuses...

Hubby🥀🧸:you playing with fucking fire

I laugh and power my phone off before walking back to the room with my boys.

"I miss my daddy", Kyrie says turning to face me

"He will be home soon", I say face void of any emotion as I check on Cruz, his chest rising and falling with every tiny snore that left his sleeping body.

"Can you hold me now mommy?", Kyrie asks yawning with open arms up at me

"Of course baby", I smile slipping into bed with him as we both nod off into a comfortable sleep

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