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I know He told me to leave him alone, but he needs somebody in his corner

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I know He told me to leave him alone, but he needs somebody in his corner. That is exactly why I stayed up late on a Saturday night to go to his match.

I pull on a black hoodie, and grab my mom's keys before walking out.

"Where are you going?", my sister asks with curious eyes

"I got business to handle. Watch Charlie for me", I say walking to the car in the pitch black of night.

I jump in and pull off to the address I made Ja send me before pulling up.

It was a brick building but Ja told me how to get in.

I pull the hood over my head before stepping out and going over to the man looking around at the entrance.

"PinkBunny", I say when I reach him as he nods and opens the door for me to enter. The smell of weed, sweat, and alcohol hit my nose and I walk past all the hoes in skimpy clothing to the bleachers where all the men were sitting.

I ease into seat ignoring the wolf whistles as the announcer comes out, and calls for the beginning of the fight.

"IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE OUR ALL TIME CHAMPION AND KING OF THE RING. "BEAST", He says as everyone in the damn building cheers

Kyson comes out looking worse than wear with blood shot eyes and bags circling them but he was still fine as hell with his robe and red shorts.

I look down to see everyone making bets so I grab three hundred from my pocket and hand it to the man collecting bets.

"Three hundred on Beast", I say as he nods

"Name?", He asks as I think about it. I wasn't giving my real name

"Beauty", I say shrugging

"Good luck beauty", he says winking as I gag and turn back towards the match

"AND IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE A NEWCOMER. HES BIG BUT HE DAMN SHO AINT SLOW. INTRODUCING "BRIGGS", the man calls as a big ass man comes out with muscles that were probably bigger than me

"Oh fuck", I say squirming in my seat from nerves

The bell rings for the first round, and Briggs automatically hits Kyson with an uppercut. Kyson's head snaps back and he stumbles giving Briggs the gap he needs to throw three back to back punches at Kyson. He doesn't even fucking block. He just fucking takes the shit.

"Cmon beast", I hear so I start shouting too

"Cmon baby Cmon", I scream and it's like he can hear my voice despite all the others yelling because his eyes snap up to meet mine with a glare before kicking Briggs from over him.

He stands with a struggle but puts his set up, and throws a round hook that traps Briggs against the rope where Kyson finishes him off with several punches that has his head rolling back and him falling to the ground with a thud.

Beauty Within A BeastWhere stories live. Discover now