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"Fuck Kyson!", I moan wrapping my arms around his neck to hold on as he thrust his dick further into my pussy

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"Fuck Kyson!", I moan wrapping my arms around his neck to hold on as he thrust his dick further into my pussy

"You missed this Ashlyn?", He asks trailing his damp hand down my stomach to rub my clit

"Yes!", I cry curling my toes as I feel the earth shattering climax near me

"Well show me", He huskily drawls out in my ear increasing the speed of his finger on my clit and his thrusts into my pussy

My walls clamp down holding on for dear life as my climax hits me so hard stars dance in my eyes. His hits just as hard causing my body to jerk and go into another mini climax.

"Why did that feel so good", I sniffle wiping my eyes

"Quickies just ain't as good as the real thing", He smirks pulling out to lay beside me

After our boat ride, we came back to a hotel where he repeatedly fucked my brains out on every surface of the room to make up for old times.

"You can say that again, but we need to go. I miss my babies", I say getting up and pulling him with me to the shower

"Oh, you must be trynna go again?", He asks looking up at me with hooded eyes

"I can handle it...can you?", I ask my body humming lightly

"Oh babygirl, didn't you know I was a beast?", He asks growling playfully at me before chasing me to the bathroom


"Mommy!", Kyrie yells running into my arms as we walked in the house back from our little adventure

"Damn I see how it is..", Kyson says smacking his lips

"Oh Wassup pops", Kyrie says glancing at Kyson

"Boy imma knock you out", Kyson says picking him up by his pants

They tussle while I go to find my little brats.

"'Mommy's babies?", I call hearing little pitter patter of feet

"Mama", Cruz says tackling into my leg while Cori tackles the other

"Hi. Isn't it bedtime?", I ask kissing both of them

"No", Cruz says frowning

"Yes it is Chunka", I say throwing him a look

He huffs...like his little small ass really huffed and stomped away from me.

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