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When I awoke from my black out, my hands were covered in dry blood and my head hurting

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When I awoke from my black out, my hands were covered in dry blood and my head hurting .

"I have cancer"

My mind reeled at the fact that I was gonna lose another father figure to the same thing.

My eyes watered and I didn't even try to stop the tears from leaking.

"FUCK CANCER!", I scream walking to the kitchen to grab the only small cure to my torture

The Hennessy tasted like shit as I gulped it down my throat but the warm feeling that spread was worth it.


I open the door and look at my parents and sibling for three seconds before slamming the door back.

"Kyson ...you can't keep acting like this is okay every time something goes bad in your life. Open the door. Your coach Tommy called us saying he thinks your gonna go through a cycle and we just wanna check on you", my mom whispers calmly through the door like I'm something fragile that would break at any moment

"ION WANNA FUCKING TALK", I say throwing the glass bottle at the door


"Kyson. Open the fucking door", my dad says as I ignore it and walk back to my room


Keon👨‍👩‍👦‍👦: we're leaving, but please be safe, and call me if it gets to bad

I read the message three times before laughing cutting the phone off.

They don't fucking understand what I'm going through. They don't know shit, and I hate when they try to act like something is fucking wrong with me. The only person who even remotely knew what this is like is Uncle Kevin.

"They don't know what it's like Kyson nobody does because your fucking crazy"


"They don't get us. We're our own special kind of insane"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!", I scream smashing my head against the wall in front of me

"It's only a matter of time until you lose control fully and hurt someone besides yourself. Maybe it will be Ashlyn"

"The Beauty being killed by her beast"

"You will never be anything but crazy"

"Let us in Kyson"

"Let us help you"

I bang my head over and over and over again until the voice is calm and my eyes are blurring in and out of focus until they finally focus on the darkness.

It's always quite in the dark.

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