C h a p t e r 18

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"You hungry baby?", Kyson asks from where he sat above me rubbing my stomach

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"You hungry baby?", Kyson asks from where he sat above me rubbing my stomach

"No", I say going back to watch tv

"You need some more water?", He asks

"No, I'm fine", I say with a small laugh

"You craving anything? I can go get it", He says scrunching his eyebrows together when I ignore him

"No", I say sighing

"Oh", he says in a sad voice

He has been like this all month. After our first doctors appointment confirming that me and the baby were perfectly fine, he went all overprotective to make sure nothing bad happened.

"On second though, I am craving something", I say turning around in his arms to face him

"What?", He asks looking down at me

"You. I just wanna be in your arms. I missed us being like this", I admit moving closer to him

"I know. I'm sorry for letting myself go into a cycle. It's harder than it seems. Losing him was like losing a father. He raised me with Kaide and for that I'm grateful", he says laying his head in my neck

"I understand.", I say running my fingers through his hair

"Don't do that", he says moving my hand out his head

"Why?", I ask running through the loose curls again pulling roughly at the ends

"I don't wanna be hard while talking bout my dead Coach", he groans putting space between our bottom halves

"Sorry", I laugh pulling him back to me

"You ain't got shit to be sorry about", he says kissing my lips

"Bae...I feel like the real reason I didn't want this baby is because I didn't want it to replace Kyrie.", I say looking down at my belly

"Nah, Nothing can replace him, but that doesn't mean that this baby won't be loved. It will have its own place in my heart just like he does. You know this.", He says moving down to lay his head on my belly

"Imma love you just like I love him", he says to my stomach before kissing it.

"I'm bouta cry", I say fanning my eyes

"Mane stop being a crybaby", He says laughing when tears fall down my eyes

"Well stop being so cute", I say hugging him close to me to kiss his face all over

"Let's go get something to eat. I'm feeding my child even if you not hungry", he says getting up and helping me up off the couch

"Okay", I say grabbing his hand and my shoes before walking with him out the door

We get in the car and go to a pizza place before taking our seat.

"I want cheese", I say reaching for my phone only to groan when my bladder screamed to be released all of a sudden.

"Bae I gotta pee. I'll be right back", I say getting up and speed walking to the bathroom

I do my business, and walk out when a voice catches my attention.

"Don't Fucking tell me what to do with my child. STOP! Don't touch me!", I hear and turn my head towards the sound only to see nothing

"Ashlee!", I say looking in every direction for the voice only to come up empty handed

I was losing my mind.

"Baby are you okay?", Kyson asks when I get back to the table

"I'm fine", I say looking around once more before relaxing

Maybe I'm just tripping.

We get our pizza, and I take small bites before saying that I was finished.

My eyes wonder to the window in front of us, and I spot a couple with a small child between them walking out of the pizza place.

That would be us in a eight months.

I could have sworn I heard my sister's voice though.

"I'm finished. Let's get out of here. I need to go see Amira. We're going shopping", I say as he nods and pays for the pizza

"You okay Beauty?", he asks as I fake a smile and nod

"I'm fine", I say walking towards the car

We get in, and he drops me off at Amira's apartment before kissing my lips and pulling off.

*Knock knock*

"Girl what I tell you about knocking. You know where I keep my key", She says lowering the gun that was aimed at me and pulling me inside

"Can you find somebody for me?", I ask

"Yeah, just give me a name.", She says raising a perfect eyebrow

"I think my sister is in trouble. I heard her telling somebody not to touch her today at the pizza place downtown. She hasn't been by mom's house anytime I stopped by and i just wanna make sure she is okay.", I ramble showing her the numbers

"If She is in trouble then are you willing to go into a battle to get her out? Does Kyson know why you are here?", She asks as I shake my head

Amira was the alpha female. Nothing happens without her knowing, and she had all reigns of their family gang that I knew very little information about. She was the definition of a Boss.

"No", I say lowering my head expecting her to send me home

"Do you know how to shoot?", she asks instead as I nod

"Ight. Lemme find out some stuff. Just be prepared to meet me here tomorrow to know if she is in trouble or not", she says as I nod

She opens her phone and dials a number before smiling.

"Kaiser. I need your help."...

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