C h a p t e r 17

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A week later...

"You need to eat Kyson", I say placing the food in front of him

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"You need to eat Kyson", I say placing the food in front of him

I felt like shit. School was stressing me, and we both were sad , but him ignoring me and blocking me out every time I tried to help him was getting on my last nerves.

"I don't want it", he says pushing the plate away from him

I roll my eyes and put the pill bottle in front of him.

"At least take your medicine", I say opening the pill bottle for him and standing behind him

He stares at it a moment before throwing it across the room.

He pushes away from the table letting the chair hit me in my stomach and walks into the room slamming the door.

Charlie rubs against my leg sensing my turmoil, but I don't even have the heart to pet him with all the tears filling my eyes.

My vision blurs slightly and I get a vision of me and Kyson happy. My baby in my arms and Kyrie in his. My focus clears up and I run to the bathroom everything I ate coming up as soon as I reached the toilet.

I sink to the ground and finally let the tears I was holding in fall.

I just sit there crying when there is a knock.

"Ashlyn", He says

"Leave me alone Kyson", I say brokenly

"I took my medicine okay. I just want you to know that", he says as I sniffle and unlock the door

He sinks down next to me, and Pulls me into his arms. I squirm and try to jerk away from him but he just holds me tighter

"It just hurts. I don't know how to make it stop. Make them stop Please", he says tears in his beautiful blue eyes

"I can't. That's something you have to do on your own. You can't let them control you forever Kyson. I love you so much and I'm here for you, but I can't help you with them.", I say standing up to walk out the bathroom

I close the door, and listen as he destroys it but I make no move to go help him.

He has to do this shit on his own.

I gag over the toilet as nothing comes up but stomach acid.

A week had past, but nothing has changed. He says sorry, gets mad, breaks things, comes to me and calms down only to repeat the next day.

I told Lina to keep Kyrie and don't bring him near here until he calms down. For once she listened, and didn't show up unannounced.

I flush the toilet and go to the room to grab a suitcase.

I pack my necessities and a couple clothes before zipping it shut.

"Where you going?", He whispers in a hoarse voice from the side of the bed where he sat with his head in his hands

"We need some time Kyson. Your hurting yourself and it's only a matter of time before you hurt us", I say

"Us?", he questions as I look away

"I meant me", I say picking up the suitcase

"Don't leave me", He says

"Kyson I have to", I say thinking about the baby and not me

He scrunches his face in concern before walking over to me. His hands wipes under my nose gently before showing me the blood.

My hand wipes the blood before I shake my head.

"I'm fine", I say going to get some tissue.

There was blood everywhere, and My stomach just couldn't take the strong copper smell.

I gag, and drop to my knees and I empty my stomach in the toilet again.

Kyson watches me from the door frame with his hands in his hair and his eyebrows bunched together

"Tell me what's wrong? Tell me how to fix this.", He says crouching next to me

"Nothing is wrong with me. I'm fine", I ask pushing his hands away from me

I sit there dry heaving, as he rubs my back.

"Baby please. I already lost somebody close to me. I will go completely crazy if I lose another", he says clutching his head

"I'm pregnant", I whisper

"W-w-What?", he chokes looking at me

"I'm pregnant. I didn't want it. I wanted to hate it because I thought that if I got attached You would make me get rid of it. I thought about abortion but realized that this baby needed me to be in it's corner. I couldn't do it Kyson. I'm trying everything in my power to carry this baby, but my body is so weak from stress that I can't keep nothing down", I say as he picks me up into his arms before standing to his feet.

"We gone do this right. I honestly didnt want a baby months ago, but it doesn't sound so bad now. I'm not gonna give up on everything in my life. I want this baby Ashlyn. I need this baby. God is giving me a second chance at being a father, and imma do it right. Imma love this baby like no other, and be a better father to Kyrie. I wanna get my life together", He says determined while placing his hands on my belly

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier", I say laying my head in his neck

"Ian been the best man. Imma do better baby. Don't be sorry", he says kissing my neck and just holding me against his body

He feels like home, but how long will the good last before it gets bad again?

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