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"Babe hurry come here!", I scream excitedly from the living room

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"Babe hurry come here!", I scream excitedly from the living room

"Man what!", he yawns rubbing his eyes tiredly

"Cruz is crawling", I squeal pointing to our baby Who was currently crawling behind our cat.

"That's my boy", Kyson says smiling proudly

Cruz was now six months, and so freaking adorable. He was sitting, had a tooth, and now crawling.

"Ugh this is making me want another baby", I whine thinking about how big my youngest was getting

"We should start now", Kyson says looking down at me

"Hell no, I was just kidding", I laugh watching Cruz crawl over to my Dalmatian bear that Kyson won at the fall festival a while back

"Hell no, I was just kidding", I laugh watching Cruz crawl over to my Dalmatian bear that Kyson won at the fall festival a while back

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"I need my other son, and then you can be done having my babies", he says slapping my ass

"If I have another baby, it has to be my little girl", I say as he shakes his head

"I don't think I should have a little girl. I would be too protective and go crazy trying to make sure she is good, every minute of the day", he says

"Anyways what we doing today?", I ask changing the subject because I honestly didn't wanna talk about kids and risk getting baby fever

"Nothing, I'm bouta watch the game", he says sitting on the couch earning an eye roll from me

"I wanna go out", I say mushing his head

"Aye Ashlyn. What I say about them hands?", He asks turning his head to look at me

"I wanna go on a date Kyson", I say as he shakes his head

"Bae I been waiting for the game for a week. Then we gotta find a babysitter. We can go out some other day", he says running his hands through his hair

"Kyson you leave tomorrow, and you wanna spend our last day watching a stupid ass football game", I yell tilting my head in anger before mushing his head one last time and walking away to our room.

Deciding to be petty, I hook my phone up to the Bluetooth speaker in the living room, and play my song. "Love a woman", by Mary J and Beyoncé.

I can't hear it, but I know he does when I hear him sigh.

"Bae come here", he calls as I glare and walk to him

"What do you want?", I ask walking over to where he was seated with Cruz

"I love you with everything in me.", He says patting the empty spot in his lap

I sit and lean back into him as he smiles and kisses my neck.

"Kiss her real slow, then get down and blow her mind", I sing kissing his lips

"You wanna go on a date...well let's go", He says patting my thigh for me to get up

"That's okay...we can cook at the house and have a family day. I just wanna spend time with you instead of all your time being spent watching a game", I say not making any move

"That's a bet bae", he says nipping at a sensitive spot on my neck

"Cruz said he don't wanna witness this", I laugh pointing to Cruz who was whining trying to get down from his spot on the couch

"Cruz ain't worried about us. I guarantee you he looking for Kyrie", He says helping the baby down

True to his words as soon as Kyrie came from the back Cruz started screaming excitedly.

"I love you too Cruz", Kyrie laughs scrambling to his knees to hug Cruz

Kyrie lifts him up into his arms and takes him to the back with him

"His first word better not be Kyrie", I say pouting

"Let them have a bond. I love how close they are", Kyson says rubbing my stomach in circles

"It's adorable, but I always thought my sons were gonna be mommy boys", I say looking up at him

"Fuck you mean? Kyrie is a mommy boy.", Kyson says smacking his lips

"Only at night when he wants boobs to lay on", I roll my eyes

"Maybe my next son will be a mommy's baby. Wanna test that theory?", He says smirking

"Hell no. I do not...why you want a baby?", I ask as he shrugs

"I always wanted a big family. More people to love and more love to be shared. Another son for my two to bond with and love. Another person for them to be there for and vice verse", he says looking at his kids

"After we get married, we can have as many kids as you want", I say smiling

"That's less that a month away bae", he says smirking

"So therefore I'm saying I will let you impregnate me in less than a month Kyson", I smile

"Don't back out when I want my baby then", he says thumbing my head

"Boy you act like you ever use a condom, for all we know I could be pregnant right now", I say rolling my eyes

"Let's go check", He says looking excited

"If I'm pregnant, I'm gonna be so pissed", I groan standing up from his lap

"Go see what the boys are doing. I'll be back", I say heading to the bathroom to grab two pregnancy tests

I do my business, and piss on the sticks before setting the timer on my phone.

"What it say?", Kyson asks poking his head in the doorway

You gotta wait baby", I says pushing his head back out the door

After five minutes, Kyson was pushing me out of the way to stare at the tests.

"What this shit mean?", he asks holding up the two sticks

I laugh at his confused face. One had a very faint second line while the other had none.

"One says I might be pregnant while the other says I'm not, so most likely I'm not", I shrug at his pout

"Damn, I wanted another son", Kyson says picking me up to walk back into the living room

"After our next child I'm done popping babies out my cooch", I say wrapping my arms around his neck

"You be so sexy when you pregnant. It's beautiful seeing your small ass big with my seed. I be wondering how something so tiny carry that big ole baby", he says smiling

"It was stressful seeing my body go through so many changes, and Cruz was no help to my back", I smile back looking down at my little Prince

"He was our little miracle. He brought me out of a bad place and replaced my pain with joy. I'm thankful for my kids everyday of my life", he says looking down with me

"Your about to make me cry", I whine wiping at my eyes

"Maybe you are pregnant", he jokes as I bite my lip

"Maybe I am"

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