C h a p t e r 35

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   The past two weeks after our wedding, Kyson and I have been in Bora Bora, and it was amazing, but I'm glad to be home with my babies

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The past two weeks after our wedding, Kyson and I have been in Bora Bora, and it was amazing, but I'm glad to be home with my babies. We had just pulled up to our house, so the boys had no idea we were home.

"Ashlyn get your bag", Kyson says trying to hand me my bag

"Uhm how about you handle that, and I go see my sons.", I say smiling at his frown before walking away from him to the door

I knock on the door even though technically I have a key, and Jailiyah opens the door with a big smile.

"Bestfriend!", she squeals hugging me

"Bitch I missed you so much!", I laugh squeezing her back

"I missed you more...they are gonna be so happy your home", She says pulling me further into the house

She leads me to the Cruz's nursery where he was cooing in his crib.

"We were mid nap time when you knocked,so...", she trails off letting me walk to his crib

"Chunka", I say looking in

His squeals fill the air as he wiggles frantically for me to pick him up.

As soon as he was in my arms, he was attacking my face with his little baby kisses

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As soon as he was in my arms, he was attacking my face with his little baby kisses.

"Aww", I whine not knowing how much being away from my babies were taking a toll on me

"So how is baby number three?", She asks raising an eyebrow

"Okay, so Kyson still has no idea because we have just been so busy and every time I try to sit him down he just initiates sex and we end up having sex. I'll make three weeks sometime this week", I answer facepalming about not telling Kyson yet

"Typical Kyson...never being able to keep it in his pants long enough to chat", Jailiyah says shaking her head

"I am definitely telling him this week though before I'm a month", I say smiling at Cruz and walking back out his Nursery to find my other baby boy

"Kyrie?", Jailiyah calls opening his playroom where all his toys were

"Go away...I tired of being with you where is my mommy and daddy! Last time you came
to my door you told me Charlie ran away. Always bringing bad news", He huffs sitting in the corner with his back turned

Wait! What! Charlie Ran away!

"If you would turn around, you would see your mommy right here", I say raising an eyebrow at his little attitude

"Mommy!", He says wide eyed before running to my gripping my legs in a death grip

"I'm sorry for leaving for so long, and I'm sure that Charlie will come back", I say rubbing his head

"It's okay! As long as your back now", he says looking up at me

"Of course...now lets go see your daddy. He misses you too", I say taking his hand to walk us to the living room with Kyson

While the couple was celebrating their arrival home, unbeknownst to them a threat was celebrating it too

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While the couple was celebrating their arrival home, unbeknownst to them a threat was celebrating it too. He had been waiting for the perfect time to strike and they gave him the perfect opportunity now that they were back and his plan was finally ready.

"Vice president...they are home. The plan is just waiting for your okay.", The worker says looking down at his crippled Vice.

"Don't let the Boss know about any of this. Simple tell him that I have a problem with a bitch that needs to be handled.", He answers back to the worker with a permanent angry face.

"Won't he be mad when he finds out we are going after Beast's girl?", the worker asks suspiciously

"DO WHAT THE FUCK I ASK YOU TO AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER", the man sneers spitting on the mans shoes

The worker sighs and goes to lie to the boss despite knowing it was a bad idea. His only concern was that the girl knows what's in store for her. He didn't want to do it, but what choice did he have?

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