C h a p t e r 21

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"FUCK FUCK FUCK!", I scream from my knees while Kyson beat the fuck out of my pussy from behind

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"FUCK FUCK FUCK!", I scream from my knees while Kyson beat the fuck out of my pussy from behind

"Shut the fuck up Ashlyn", he says placing a hand over my mouth so we wouldn't wake Kyrie from his sleep in the room across from ours.

I know what he was doing, and it wouldn't work. Even after he fucked me to where I couldn't walk, I was going to limp my ass to the club if I had too. I was going to relax and have fun tonight.

"You leaving daddy tonight?", He asks leaning over me to thrust harder and hit my g-spot forcefully

"Yehshhhhh", I scream from behind his hand

"Oh you is?", He asks gripping my hair around his fist to arch my back to his front

The new position had his dick practically piercing me, as I screamed and took that shit loving every second of it.

"Ohhh!", I moan when the hand that was on my mouth wrapped around my neck pushing me over the edge into my climax.

"Don't leave me baby. Please don't leave me. Why are you trying to leave me? ", He asks slowing down his thrusts to drag out my climax while rubbing my clit and sucking on my neck.

"Answer me", he groans pulling out just rubbing the tip up and down my slit

"Im Not Kyson. I'm not leaving...PLEASE", I scream as he pounds back in

my eyes rolled back as Another climax comes over me that was stronger than the first. My vision blurred and body shook uncontrollable for a minute before I relaxed and came to.

He chuckles and gives a Few more sloppy jerks before reaching his as well.

"You cheated", I huff rolling on my back to catch my breath

He pulls out and throws his head back to laugh.

He looked so carefree. He was so beautiful.

"Nah Ian cheat. You wanted it as much as I did", he says mushing my head

"All you do is lie boy. You was like 'bae lemme give you some dick' so naturally I agreed", I say rolling my eyes

"Bae you ain't going nowhere. Stay yo fine ass at home wimme", He says as I whine

"I just wanna have fun with the girls", I say as he looks away

"What if they get drunk and leave you by yourself. I know you can handle yourself, but is it a problem that I worry? One wrong move and my baby could be hurt. You know when you mad you forget about the whole situation ", He says pulling my naked body into his

"You can have fun here with me", he says getting up to go across the room to his speakers

"Do It to me", by Usher begin to play and he looked at me with his usual nonchalant facial expression

He walked to me slowly and pulled me to the edge of the bed before straddling my legs.

I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck as he proceeded to give me one hell of a lap dance.

Was he a male stripper in his past life?

He circled his hips and pushed me on the bed to lay flat before grinding his body into mines.

I moaned, and crushed him tighter into me before placing my lips on his.

"I won't go", I say pecking him once more before letting him have his dirty way with me for the second time today.


I look up from my spot on the bed to see him smiling a goofy smile while placing his sweats on. We both just got out of the shower where he proceeded to fuck me against the shower wall before washing my body gently.

"Why you smiling so hard?", I ask trying to move my legs only to groan and lay back flat

"I got that dick that paralyzes", he says laughing when I throw a pillow at him

"I just needed to stretch before hand. I must have pulled something", I lie knowing it was that good dick that had my legs stuck

"Mhmm. I'm sure", he says coming to help me get out of the bed after pulling one of his shirts and a clean pair of his boxers on me.

"I hate you", I say when he laughs under his breath

"Nahh, you love me", he says turning us toward the mirror and lifting my shirt to reveal my little pudge.

It was barely there, but he loved the fuck out of it.

"What are you doing Dad?", Kyrie asks rubbing his eyes tiredly and peeking his head through the door

"Bout time you got up", he says taking his hand and pulling him to us

"What are you doing to Ashlyn?", he asks again watching Kyson rub my stomach

"Your baby brother is in there", he says placing Kyrie's hand on an empty spot

"Nope that's your sister", I say rolling my eyes

"For reals Dad? I gotta sister?", He asks placing both hands on my belly

"Brother", Kyson says smacking his lips

"Sister", Kyrie says while looking up at him daring him to say otherwise

Kyrie was going to give Kyson hell during his teenage years.

"Bet on it. I'll give you twenty dollars", He says as Kyrie huffs

"Bet", Kyrie says kissing the hand Kyson held out to him as Kyson did the same to his

I loved their relationship. They always argued, but loved being right up under each other.

"It's my sister right Ashlyn?", he asks as I nod

"Of course it is", I say hoping that it actually was so He wouldn't be disappointed.

"Maneee I want another boy in here with me", Kyson says running his hands through his wavy hair that was getting super long

"Maybe in five years from now", I say nodding my head

"Five years my ass. If fatherhood goes easy on me with this baby, I want a football team", he says as I laugh and push him away from me

"Hell no", I say picking Kyrie up and placing him on the dresser in front of me

"I love you", I say hugging him to my chest

He lays his head on my boobs, with a yawn.

"I love you too", he says


"Kyson whatchu doing", I ask laughing

"Y'all blessing my Instagram", he says smiling

And he blessed me...

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