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        I was trained to be a killer from the day I was thirteen

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I was trained to be a killer from the day I was thirteen. My Uncle Kevin and A'Jai would take me hunting and they would make me shoot at big duffel bags from a distance. As the bullets entered the bags, blood poured out. Blood that my Uncles later said was the blood of our enemies. They told me to kill with the knowledge that I was ridding the world of people who wronged us in some way. That's what kept me killing with a smile on my face.

By us, I presume they meant the business that I was introduced into at the early age of fifteen. Just a baby in the eyes of many, but by then I was too far corrupted to be considered innocent.

Our business revolved around our family. We all had a part to play, but none were as important as mine. In my opinion, Everybody else did petty work. Everybody except me and my cousin Amira. She was the boss, and I was the enforcer. Nothing got past us.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to sneak up on someone who has the power to harm you", I say not even looking up

" Oh Beast. Happy Birthday ", a familiar voice calls walking into my dark home. I liked solitude and only few people knew how to find me, but rarely did, so I knew this must be important.

My eyebrow arches in acknowledgement and my eyes that were hidden behind my ray-bans looked up to figure who was calling me

A blunt was wrapped tightly around my lips and I was in a surprisingly good mood. I guess she was surprised I was in a good mood to judging by her face.

"Amira? and you know I don't celebrate or acknowledge my birthday", I say wanting to know why she was here

"Well We have a very important client coming today for your service, and I need your Italian ass to not do anything abrupt", she says glaring at me

"I would never", I smile looking up at her brown eyes with my blue ones

Her glare melts into a smile and she sighs and takes a seat on top of my desk.

"How can you look so innocent, but be so insane", she questions jokingly

I begin to reply, but the door is flung open and in walks a burly man with a big duffel bag, uninvitedly might I add.

"You May know me", he begins taking a seat as I chuckle and cut him off placing the blunt in the ash tray

"I know nothing of you, however, I presume you know us. What is it that you want?", I ask taking off my shades as he looks at me surprised

The innocent and young face always caught people off guard. They wonder how was I capable of hundreds of murders. Maybe they should Stop underestimating.

"I'm Deon Da'Mucci.", He starts but is once again cut off

"Owner of the drug cartel that is currently being secretly run on the streets of Carolina", I answer for him

"And I..", I smirk stopping him mid sentence with my hand

Amira rolls her eyes at my dominance, but doesn't stop me.

"And you need me. Give me the name and I will give you my price. Simple", I say as he coughs and writes a name on a slip of paper

"Peter Williams. Owner of club 69", I read standing up and flipping the hood of my black hoodie over my head before grabbing my gun and sliding it into my pocket

"He owes me money", the man says

"500,0000", I say

He hands me a black card and I swipe it depositing it straight into my bank account before giving him my infamous smirk.

"Nice doing business with you. I'll get to it right now. See your way out will you", I say grabbing the keys to my car and walking out of the house not caring if the man leaves behind me or not.

Nobody ever stays in the den of a beast for too long.

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