C h a p t e r 4

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 I squint my eyes to the harsh light shining through my window with a yawn

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I squint my eyes to the harsh light shining through my window with a yawn. I sit up and look down expecting to see Kyrie but he wasn't there.

I jump up, and run to the living room only to see him and Jaiden on the couch watching Spy Kids.

If I had a Bestfriend, Jaiden would have to be it. With him being five years younger than me, he was more like a little brother, but He had my back and I had his.

"You couldn't wake me up Jaiden! I thought something happened to him!", I say angrily running my fingers through my hair

"Oh my bad bruh bruh...I missed Kyrie bad ass", he says shrugging

"Don't do that shit no mo", I glare before walking back to my bathroom to brush my teeth and pull my hair into a low ponytail

"You missed yo uncle Ja?", he asks as I walk back out

"Yeah, I missed all of you guys. Why can't I just stay here with you dad?", Kyrie asks with a sad pout

"I'm sorry Kyrie, but I'm busy most days.", I say frowning

"Kyson you can't deny that he yours in yo heart. The whole family loves this little boy. Him not being yours didn't change what we felt for him", Ja whispers to me when Kyrie runs off somewhere in the back

"Ja. I'm not changing my mind on this.Im not bout to raise no kid with Lina when I don't have too", I say

"Whatever", Jaiden says glaring off at the wall

"Yo...you mad at me?", I ask chuckling when he ignores me

"Jaiden don't play with me son", I say thumping his head

"Mane stop. I'm mad at you", He says rubbing his head with a pout

"Ight Fine. I'll think about it some mo", I say sighing when he smiles

"Bet dat up", he says smiling as I remember something

"You gave Ashlyn my number?", I ask as he shrugs

"Hell yeah. She looked mad desperate and She kept pouting and them beautiful ass dark eyes were looking at me.", he rambles as my eyes narrow

"Ight Ight...shut the fuck up", I snap with a glare

"She very beautiful", He says as I shrug

"And?", I ask as he looks off

"Can beauty really handle the beast?...", he asks leaving me kinda stuck

Ja stayed at my house the whole day, and I was more than ready for him to get the fuck out. I love him to death, but he mad annoying.

"Can I take Kyrie with me?", He asks as I nod

"Get the fuck out, and take good care of my bambino", I say hugging Kyrie before pushing him out the door

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