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"They are safe Kyson chill out", My uncle says

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"They are safe Kyson chill out", My uncle says

I was fucking livid. I leave for one day to try and get my name cleared with the cops, and I hear my wife got gunned down, almost raped, and had to leave for the safehouse because my sons were being watched.

"Go check on them. Now! If I kill somebody else right now I might get time! Fuck! Why couldn't this shit happen AFTER I get my name cleared?", I shout angrily from the hotel room I was in

I was in a holding cell for the past two days trying to make those motherfuckers satisfied with the fact that I played easy and turned myself it. I was let go on inadequate evidence, and a court date was set, but if my name popped up again connected with another killing so soon they were gonna try to lock my ass up.

"I'm leaving now. I wanna meet my nephews anyways", he says hanging up the phone after his words

He had a real bad habit of hanging up the phone before people are fucking finished talking.

"That was Kevin. Find those fuckers who did that shit to my family. I want everyone responsible", I say calmly looking back at Kaiser and Ja who were laying on he bed lazily

"I'm on it.", Kaiser says taping his phone

"I can't believe Ashlyn stabbed a dude. That shit sexy", Ja says licking his lips

"Shut the fuck up yo. Let's be out. I need to get some supplies for the shit I'm about to do. If I'm gonna go to jail for it then I should at least have fun with it", I say grabbing my keys off the dresser


*extreme graphic violence*

"These the little pussies?", I ask walking into the warehouse later that day mind clear and ready for my revenge

"Yeah beast, they were hiding, but I got em", Kaiser says as I nod and motion towards the door with my head

"I got it from here", I say walking in the middle of the three tied up assholes

He rolled over my cart of weapons and chemicals before nodding his head at me and leaving with a kinda scared look at the big ass smile on my face.

They all looked scared and were shaking but I smirked.

"Imma give y'all three seconds to tell me who the leader of you three is, and I know it's not Koby bitch ass", I say as their eyes widen

The sounds of their pleading was muffled by their taped mouths, so I snatch the tape off to listen to their pleads.

"We had no idea she was yours beast. Koby just said it was some random bitch who did him wrong", the fattest one pleaded and I instantly could tell he was the leader

"So you listened to Koby's sob story, and put the fucking target on my wife's head for this dumbass to gun her down?", I ask taking a syringe filled with acid from the cart

"Your first Koby. This was your dumbass Idea to cross me, and go after what's mine, so you set the example of being the first to die.", I say stepping in front of him

"I'm sorry man", he says as I smile and stick the syringe in his eye with a laugh

"Oh you sorry?", I ask snatching it back out as his eyes bubbles and practically leaked from the hole

His screams surrounded us and I smile before picking up a cleaver.

"What were you saying?", I ask looking over to the other ones who were practically fainting

"I-I-m-", He starts But is cut off by me chopping down on his foot. He screams in excruciating pain.

It falls to the floor with a thud before he groans and passes out.

I land punch after punch after punch before he finally stops breathing

"Fuck I wasn't done", I say moving to the next and picking up the bleach. The one who put a gun to my loves head and tried to rape her.

I force open his mouth while he cries and pours the whole bottle into his throat.

He chokes and shakes to be let go, but I just keep pouring until the bottle is empty.

"I made you clean and you made her feel dirty. Ironic right?", I say letting him go as he falls to the ground where he convulses and his eyes roll back.

"Poor thing", I laugh stomping in his face before moving to the last man. The leader

"Aye man please just let me go. I didn't know.", he cries as I nod and cut him loose with the biggest knife I have

"Thank you so much", he says as I smile

"No problem", I say twirling the knife around my fingers

He spares me not a glance as he runs towards the exit. I wait until he's a good foot to the exit before throwing the knife into his back. It pierces his chest and he falls with a thud as I chuckle.

"Easy target practice", I say walking past him out of the warehouse with a whistle.

"It's done?", Kaiser asks as I nod

"Imma have to lay low until this blows over. His gang is gonna be even more mad when they realize their Boss is on my warehouse floor dead. Not to mention how the cops are gonna feel when they hear I did it.", I sigh running a hand through my hair

"It should not take long for it to be over. They probably won't even come this way after they hear what you did. It's the police we really have to worry about", He says shrugging

"We will figure something out", I say grabbing the blunt from my back pocket

"We always do".....

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