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"I love you Mrs

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"I love you Mrs. Kyson Santino", he groans sliding the dress down my body revealing my lace lingerie

I was already so turned on by the thought of making love to my husband that my body shook in anticipation.

"I love you more", I smile leaning in to connect our lips

His groan hits my ears as the kiss turns passionate and his tongue comes out to tease mine. Hands ran up my trembling body to my bra that was soon unhooked and thrown across the room.

His tongue moves lower to caress my neck contrasting to the rough squeezing his hands were doing to my breasts.

"I love everything about you", he whispers moving his hands lower to my panty line. Pulling them down my legs with a kiss to each thigh.

I step out of them, and his eyes rake down my naked body. The naked body that was now completely his.

"sei l'amore della mia vita e vivo per farti tesoro", He rasps finally moving impossibly close to me
(You're the love of my life, and I live to treasure you)

My back arches as his finger finally slides in my pussy caressing my sensitive clit every time it pulls back.

"Kyson I love the foreplay baby, but I'm getting desperate", I moan leaning up to trail my kisses down his neck, behind his ear where his hotspot was

"Let me love you Ashlyn", He smiles, those blue eyes that I love twinkling with love

"You are loving me", I gasp trying to get away from the two fingers that were now striking my G-spot in the most delicious way

"Take my love", He smirks pulling me back to him

My orgasm hits me like a ton of bricks. Eyes squeezing shut and legs desperately trying to move his fingers away from my spasming pussy.

I don't get a chance to live down the first before his head is buried in me with his tongue roughly licking up the mess he caused.

"Oh fuck Kyson!", I scream my fingers locking tightly into his hair

Even though my eyes are shut, I can almost see the cocky smile his face holds while he viciously devours his meal.

"Open your eyes my love", He tsks pinching my clit between his fingers

"I can't", I moan too busy feeling the incredible pleasure that my husband was delivering

"Watch your husband eat his pussy", He says digging his nails into my thighs to center me

My eyes fly open and I almost close them again when I see his wet face and lust filled eyes.

It's something so erotic about seeing a man so in love with just giving you pleasure.

"Watch me eat", He says again going back down to flick my pussy with his hot tongue

"Kyson!", I squeal knowing just what was about to happen

It seems he did too as his middle finger enters my pussy again to strike my g-spot and push me over the edge that caused the squirt of liquid.

"I love when you do that", He laughs chucking off his suit and boxers knowing my eyes were glued to his sexy body.

My man was like sex on legs. His big dick standing at attention.

"You ready to take my love now?", He asks with a raised eyebrow

"More than ready", I nod motioning him closer

His body covers mine, and he precedes to kiss, lick, and suck every part of my body igniting my fire while telling me exactly how much he loved me. When his dick finally enters me, it was like the first time he ever fucked me. It was like feelings every ripple and curve all over again. The feeling was indescribable and the passion was overwhelming. By the time we finished, my body was thoroughly spent. He fucked me for hours on end without giving me breaks claiming he was just showing his love.

Now as we laid under the expensive hotel covers, I had the goofiest happiest smile.

"You know something...I never knew that I would ever be capable of loving something as much as I love you", I say straddling his sweaty body

"Your heart was just waiting for me. You never had to love somebody this much until you met me", he says pushing my wet hair from my face

"I'm glad I met you. Your my God's gift", I say leaning down to give him one final kiss

"I'm glad you kept me. Angels don't usually go for demons. But you did"...

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