C h a p t e r 27

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"he is so adorable", I say leaning over to smile at my chubby baby

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"he is so adorable", I say leaning over to smile at my chubby baby

Labor was painful, but I swear it was worth it. The past hour with my baby has been the best hour of my entire life. We bonded through skin, and his latch to my boob was surprisingly strong.

Right now, He was cuddled to his daddy's chest as Kyson spoke to him like he was the most important baby in the world.

"I'm so in love", I say walking over to them

I was clean and dressed in a sports bra, a pair of his sweats and a big pad that honestly made me feel like I was wearing a diaper.

"Me too. Just wait til Kyrie gets here. Then my heart will feel whole", he says

"Cutest baby in the world", Kenya says as I smile

"Yeah, he is really adorable", I say as mama laughs

"Bae come sit next to me. I think his eyes are opening", Kyson says not taking his eyes off the baby

I scoot onto the bed next to him, and eat my soup while watching him with our baby.

The little babies eyes blink twice before opening and staring at us with eyes identical to mine.

"Aww. He has his mommy's eyes ", I say looking over at Kyson who was in awe at the bundle in his arms

"I can't believe you done had my baby", Kyson says rubbing his finger against the babies cheek

"I can't believe I had a baby period. I never thought I would be engaged and a mother of two at just nineteen", I say smiling

"You regret it?", He asks looking up at me

"Not at all", I say closing my eyes

I would bond with my baby later. I wanted to give them time together to bond.


"Mommy", Kyrie says shaking me gently

"Kyrie!", I smile hugging him to me

"You gone hurt yourself Ashlyn", Kyson says with a smack of his lips

"Shut up", I say looking around the room for my baby

"Kaiser got him", He says assuringly

"Can I see him?", I ask with a pout

"KAISER BRING ME MY SON!", Kyson shouts out the door obnoxiously

Kyrie's hand on my face brings all my attention back to him.

"Mommy, are you okay?", Kyrie asks touching my nose with his finger

"I'm fine", I say smiling at the door where Kaiser was with Cruz wrapped in his arms sleeping soundly.

"Is he healthy?", I ask not seeing the midwife anywhere

"Perfectly healthy...He is a strong little man", Kaiser says rocking the little thing with a smile

"Aww all this baby fever is making me not want to wait five years for my little girl", I say blushing

"Good, because we are only waiting two years max", Kyson says smirking

"Hell no", I laugh helping Kyrie up on the bed with me

"Dad can you let me lay on you tonight?", Kyrie asks laying next to my overly sore body

"Come here big baby", Kyson says picking him up into his arms

They rock back and forth and my heart warms at the smitten look on both of their faces.

"Nothing like seeing a father be the number one person in his sons life", Kenya says popping her head in the door

"You so extra", Kyson says smacking his lips

"Cmon Auntee...we need to give the family some alone time. I'll see y'all toma", Kaiser says handing me Cruz and pulling Kenya from the room

"You look exactly like your daddy", I say frowning

"Fix yo face...you trynna say im ugly or something Beauty?", He asks with a glare

"I just wanted my baby to look at least a little like me. He is truly perfect though", I say poking the tiny baby's pouty lips

His eyes opened with a yawn and locked with mine.

"I hope you not up for the night little beast number two", I say adjusting him to where he laid on my chest

"Move over a little bit...me and Kyrie feeling left out", Kyson says easing into the bed beside us with Kyrie on his chest asleep.

Charlie pops up out of nowhere like always and curls up on the ground next to the bed. I guess he was feeling left out too.

Kyson moves Kyrie off him onto the middle of the bed, and holds his arms out for Cruz.

"Aww, big beast and his two little beasties", I say watching Kyrie snuggle into his left side while Cruz snuggles into his naked chest.

We were still all in the middle of the big bed, so I wasn't worried about my baby falling off the bed. Kyson is more than capable of watching our kids. He wakes up alertly when the door creaks thinking something is wrong, so if Cruz cries he is better off with Kyson than my heavy sleeping ass.

"Our first night as parents of a newborn", I say smirking

"I got this...go to sleep, and let daddy handle it", he says surely

I honestly did not doubt him, so I did exactly just that.

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