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I cry down at my hands from where I sat at the toilet

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I cry down at my hands from where I sat at the toilet.

My eyes were swollen and red from crying, but honestly nothing was worse than this.

I look down one last time at the pregnancy test in my hands. The red lines were as clear as day, and I think what hurts the worse is that I can't find it in me to love it. I don't wanna get my hopes up, only for him to tell me he doesn't want it.

He already made it clear, he didn't want another baby in this world.

I wrap it in tissue and throw it in the trash before walking out of the bathroom straightening my black dress.

"You ready to go?", I ask looking over at him

"Yeah", He says not even looking at me

He has completely detached his self from everyone including me. He barely talks, he won't eat, and if anyone touches him he goes all the way off.

I sigh and walk to the limo that was waiting outside for us.

We get inside and go to the church where the family was waiting for us.

They all accepted me with open arms, and it was like I was truly their family when all was said and done. His mother surprisingly gives good advice on what to do and what not to do while Kyson was in his cycle, and what to do if he hurts his self or me.

"Beauty", his mother smiles hugging me

"Hi Kenya", I say accepting her hug

"You doing okay? How have you managed school and Kyson", She asks looking at Kyson who was staring ahead at the casket

"Getting there, and Its hard but Its what I have to do.", I say walking to the front with him trailing behind me

The service was beautiful and most of the family spoke before the burial. When we got to the cemetery I think that's when Kyson snapped. It took his dad, Ja, Kaiser, and His uncle A'Jai to keep him calm when he started screaming and clutching his head.

I just sat there looking and crying my eyes out. I find my hand trailing down to my stomach with a sad sob.

How were we going to get through this?

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