C h a p t e r 11

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True to his word Kyson got his prescription refilled, and it was like the bad never happened. He was back to being calm and patient. Even though I knew it could always happen again.

"Whatchu thinking about?", He asks with a smile as his arms wrap around me

"You", I say turning around to kiss his lips and rub my naked body against his

"You so fucking perfect", he says picking me up to throw me back on the bed.

I blush when I see the dark look in his eyes and I can tell my legs were gonna be sore like they were two weeks ago when we first fucked.

He eases up my body as I attaches my lips to his and our tongues meet in harmony.

"I have class today", I say pulling away only for him to pull me back

"Take the day off. I need you", He says pressing his lips back against mine

"Kyson", I moan pulling back and reaching my hands between us to pull off his shorts off and grab his dick. He already knew then what my choice was.

He stands there watching me with dark eyes and a small smile on his lips.

"Hurry up", I say turning around backwards to put a arch into my back. He smiles when I shake my ass playfully at him only to earn a hard slap.

"Shut the fuck up", He says dragging me closer by my ankles to slam into me from behind

"FUCK!", I scream throwing it back and turning to look over my shoulder smirking when he watches the jiggle while speeding up his thrusts

"You got my head so fucked up baby", He groans giving me a hard thrust that I felt hitting my uterus

A high pitched scream falls from my mouth as my knees give out on me from his roughness.

"Whose is it?", He asks grabbing my hips tighter. His fingers bruising into my skin to pull me back to him, Impaling me on his dick.

"SHIT KYSON. YOURS", I moan as He grabs me up by my hair to slam harder into my dripping pussy that was clenching his dick in a death grip as my climax reached me

"Hmmmmm", I hum when my eyes roll back into my head from another sharp thrust into my g-spot

"Cum for me baby girl", He says as I comply and cum all over him, clamping down on his dick that was releasing inside of me

"I'm sore Beast", I say closing my legs while hitting the bed multiple times when he pulls out

"Oh so you taping out", he says laughing with a hand running through his hair

"Hell yeah. You broke my vagina", I say curling up in a ball

"Mane no I didn't", he says pushing a finger inside

I stirred and moved around when his fluid gushed out of me from his intrusion.

"See. It's working just fucking fine", he says leaning down to kiss my face all over

"Move", I laugh pushing him away

He walks to the bathroom to get a rag and cleans me up before changing the sheets on the bed as I watch with a content smile.

"I'm glad I stuck with you", I say blushing when he raises an eyebrow

"I'm glad you did too", he says pulling me into his arms on the bed

"You ever think about having another kid?", I ask as he shrugs

"I don't think I want another", he says as I listen with an open mind

I mean I wanted kids, but if he didn't then of course I respected that.

"Well I need to schedule for some more birth control and imma need a plan B asap", I say with a laugh

"Kyrie was reason enough to not want another. I kinda wanna focus on you and him. Adding something else would just make everything more difficult", he explains as I nod in understanding

"So this is you focusing on me?", I ask

"Most Def. My focus is always on you. We are made for each other", He says placing a heavy hand on my ass

"We may be fucked up individually, but we fit perfectly together", I say holding his face in my hands

"I'm a little more fucked up than you beauty", he says as I blush at the nickname

"I wouldn't have it any other way My beast", I say leaning in to place my lips on his

Beauty and her Beast...

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