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"You ready?", I ask looking at Kyson

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"You ready?", I ask looking at Kyson

"Yeah...", He says grabbing my free hand in his

Kyrie was looking up at the place in curiosity, and Cruz hyper self was bouncing in front of us towards the door.

We all enter, and I immediately noticed how friendly the staff was.

"Hi, I'm Ashlyn Santino. here to pick up Corianna", I smile saying exactly what the women on the phone told me to say

"Yes, here are her bags, and she has to be back tomorrow at 8:00", the man says handing me two little bags

We wait approximately ten minutes before a lady come from the back with a frown on her face.

Cruz squeals and jumps up and down excitedly thinking Corianna was coming, and I look to Kyson to gauge his reaction. He was smiling and I know he would be happy today despite him pretending he was skeptical. Whatever I wanted I got.

"Aww", I coo taking pictures of him

"Baby just imagine them living together. They would literally be like twins", I say smiling

"Im just nervous to how this will impact you later on", He says looking over at me

"Her being with me can only impact me positively", I say not breaking eye contact

She might not be mine, but if I had it my way she would be.

"She just woke up, and she was really fussy, so her nurse is trying to feed her, but you know how that goes. She barely eats anything, so we are just gonna keep trying to find her a mother that she will latch to while they are willing to feed", The women says when she reaches us just as another women comes from the back with a small toddler bundled in pink blankets, crying softly.

"Omg I'm about to cry already", I whine fanning my eyes

Kyson says nothing, but as his eyes land on the baby's I see them fill with awe.

"She is so beautiful", I say gasping

"It's not that. Her eyes are just like Roses. Big doe like eyes.", he says reaching for the baby

The women hands him the baby, and his eyes water when she is safely in his arms. Her sniffles turn silent, and her big eyes turn up to meet his.

"Baby you okay?", I ask touching his arm

"Yeah I'm good. She just reminds me of her so much", He says caressing her cheek

"Well She is ours for the day, so maybe we should take her home.", I laugh loving his reaction

"Let's go", He says not taking his eyes off the baby in his arms


"Baby no. Don't do that", I laugh pulling Corianna's hands out of Kyrie's hair from where we all sat in his room, down on the fluffy carpet.

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