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*Freddie POV*

The day started off like like any other, I was laying against the couch in the studio battling a migraine, that came from drinking too much the night before, while Roger and Brian were at a screaming match. One thing that was much different today was that I was extremely lost, maybe drowning in Rogers ocean blue eyes. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him today, I tried my best to focus on something else, as soon as I did I saw John waving in my face as though he'd been there a while.

"Freddie are you ok I was literally calling your name for a good five minutes" John laughed, I was really embarrassed almost turning the shade of a cranberry.

"Oh sorry I-I was... um... tired fr-from last night" I barely managed to get away with that excuse, but I don't really think John wanted a reply as he walked off before I could get it out. 

When I finally looked back up I noticed Brian, Roger, and John all packing up their instruments and papers. I realized that over and Brian were finally done bickering and we could finally go back to the flat.

I quickly cleared up my equipment and slapped my face a couple times to wake up enough just to walk down to the car. Thank god I couldn't drive I certainly would've wrecked! The ride there was a good time we were listening to some music and we all were singing along, even John!


When we finally arrived at the flat I quickly brewed a cup of tea and popped an aspirin hoping it would have some relief on my throbbing headache 'why couldn't I have stayed in last night' I thought to myself with anger.

When my tea was finally done I drank it down as fast as I could. I put a show on the tv knowing I wouldn't watch it, instead I was watching roger read the news and down a shot of vodka. For the second time today drowned in his gaze forgetting all of my worries he suddenly looked up and gave a grumble "What did I do to you Freddie" he stated. " oh I was trying to see what you were reading" that was definitely quite a lie I was watching his every move trying to look away but I couldn't, he was gorgeous. He shook his head at my earlier statement. Then I began speed walking towards the bathroom because I needed to clean myself up before I went out to dinner tonight with John and roger. I locked the door when I finally got inside and turned the water all the way to hot. I removed my clothes and hopped inside when it warmed up.

I lost myself in thought and just stood there standing as the hot water was tapping against my back it felt so good. I began to run my long and slender fingers through my hair and pouring a good amount of soap into my hand and slowly massaged it through my hair. While I was doing that I was imagining that one roger would be the one running the soap through my hair even though that was un-fucking-likely because he was as straight as a board.

I lost myself again as I just let the water pour out onto my head and was thinking about how good roger looked today in his skintight black jeans and blood read t- shirt. His hair was slightly ruffled and his eyes were like oceans with great waves that could drag anyone under.

" hey Freddie you mind hurrying the fuck up so the rest of us can get some hot water!!!" Roger shouted sounding quite irritated. "ok" I whimpered just barely getting out of my daydream long enough to hear what he was saying.

I quickly got the rest of the soap out of my hair and rinsed the rest of my body, only to notice that I had quite a large erection. I couldn't figure out what to do because if I walked out roger would surely be standing outside if the door and he would definitely see the election I had I decided I would wrap a towel round my waist and put my dirty clothes from earlier in front of me.

When I exited the small bathroom roger looked me cross and shoved me out of the way "now what the hell was that for rog!" I shouted hurrying to my room hoping he didn't notice my hard on.

I went to my room so I could deal with my excruciatingly throbbing erection. I got to work I licked a thick line along my palm slowly from the palm to the tip of my fingers and firmly grabbed my cock and began working up and down. I couldn't help but moan loudly as I was finally about to release, just as I came roger barged into the room shouting before he even had a chance to figure out what I was doing "Jesus Fred what the fuck could you be doing yelling that loudly!- oh shit Fred you should have locked the door or something, gross..."

"Well maybe ya shouldn't just barge into someone's room roger ya ever heard of knocking ya bitch" I shouted at him out of shock not knowing what to do it as too late to cover up he already saw what was going on. I waved my hand hinting at him to shoo so I could clean myself up and put on some clothes to get ready for tonight.

My face was burning and a bright shade of red was beginning to spread to my neck to my face. Roger left the room as quick as possible 'what a fuckin idiot why didn't I lock tha door' I was hoping maybe roger enjoyed what he saw maybe a tad but 'gross?' I didn't except that...


Hey guys I just wanted y'all to know that I suck at writing sorryyyyy lmao. Also my writing kinda sucks 😂. I'll try and make the next chapters longer but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do if you have any suggestions please leave them! <3

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