Love that for them

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*roger pov

I was driving Freddie and I back to the apartments and of course freddie being freddie he just HAD to start stroking my thigh as I was driving.
"Freddie can't you wait til we get home I'm going to wreck"

"I don't know sounds like a long ass time" he pouted.

I just shrugged him off because I knew he would eventually get his way because I mean I was enjoying this to be honest. He put his hand back on my thigh like I thought he would, he started easing his way closer to my cock, damn was I getting hard I thought my pants were gonna split into that or my cock was going to explode. I like the first option more now that I think about it. But I did have to focus on the road and I was trying my fucking hardest but I was getting so hot and bothered it was nearly impossible, so I did what any reasonable person would do and I pulled over.

"No, no Rog this is no fun dear"

"Why not babe"

"Because its thrilling to touch you while you drive, because you have to focus extra hard on the road and your face looks very cute"

"Alright I guess I can drive a little longer it's only five minutes, but the minute you touch my cock I'm pulling over. Only because I might wreck and I don't want to die with a boner thank you very much."

"Alrighttttt"  he sighed and I began driving again his hand was so close to my cock I could literally feel the heat coming from his hand. Damn this is going to be a lot harder than I thought. We eventually made it into the house and as soon as I made it out of the car freddie attacked my lips and picked me up and held me by the bottom of my ass. He slowly walked us to the apartment while never letting my lips free except to take a breath, he worked his tongue worked it's way into my mouth and I sucked it whilst I moaned into the kiss. We had made it to the door and Freddie then started to suck on my neck so he could see better to unlock the door. He finally unlocked it and ran while still carrying me to the kitchen counter and he set me on top of it.

He then ran over to close the door, he sprinted back over to me and started to suck on my neck while trying to take my shirt off.

"Fr-freddie.. bedroom." I managed to say whilst breathing heavily. I was not about to have Brian yell at me for getting fucked on the kitchen counter we walked towards the living room. Freddie put me down and tried to cover his boner. I was confused as fuck, so I turned around to see Brian and John cuddling on the couch while staring at us. Brian was looking with somewhat of an annoyed look while John just looked embarrassed. The tension in the room was almost unbearable I felt like I was being crushed so I decided to say something.

"You guys look extra friendly this evening" oh for fucks sake that is not what I should've said but it just came out. Brian began staring holes into me, I was confused until I realized my cock was out and my shirt was off.

"Well I should probably get going you guys have fun." I sprinted to Fred's room 1. Because I was ready to be fucked and 2. Because I didn't want to stand there with my erect cock out anymore, ya know it wasn't really ideal. Oh fuck was I embarrassed, I heard footsteps coming down to Fred's room and I could only pray it was him.

"Well that was quite the scene out there" Freddie giggles

"You could say that"

"Well what do you say we get on with it"

"I think we should my fucking dick is about to implode"

"I can take care of that" and as soon as those words left his lips he started to suck my cock and lemme tell ya, he was like a fucking pornstar working on my dick. His mouth was so warm and he was moving his tongue around me with such expertise I could've cried. Once I finished deep into his throat, I thought he deserved to be treated good tonight. I took as much of freddie into my mouth as I could. While I was sucking him I put my fingers in his mouth to suck on then. When I thought they were wet enough I stuck one finger into Freddies ass and he screamed in pleasure. I was still sucking and then when he looked adjusted I stuck two more fingers in his ass and worked until I found his prostate and surprisingly it didn't take long. Once I found it freddie was screaming and moaning so loud that I thought I might go deaf, but lemme tell you it was still very very erotic. He eventually came after sucking and fingering him for a while. We laid back onto the bed and I snuggled onto him until he got up to take a shower. I got dressed and went downstairs for a drink because I was thirsty as hell. I walked past the living room and once again I saw them still cuddling. I was confused because I thought they were both straight but hey, who am I to judge. They were asleep at this point so I decided not to question them. I grabbed myself a cup of water, then I decided I should probably get Fred one for when he gets out of the shower. I then walk back to our room this time not staring at Brian and John for as long. When I got up to freddies room I took off my old clothes and grabbed one of his jumpers and some of his CLEAN underwear just so I could smell like him. I cuddled up into his bed and waited for him to get out so we could watch a movie when he was done.

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