Its a beautiful day

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Hello papis im listening to staying power while writing this and it makes me feel like I can really kick some ass rn. This is prolly gonna be v shitty bc I'm tired but yeah I'm gonna write anyways to give y'all something to read. Anywayssss I hope you enjoy this sexi sexi chapter;).

Freddie pov

The shrill sound of an alarm snatched me from my peaceful sleep, and i imagine the same happened to roger since his head hit me in the fucking jaw, but I can't be mad at him.
"Oh sorry babe" he whispered seductively as he rubbed his ass against my dick and smirked.
"Mmm someone is in a naughty mood. Does my baby boy need to be corrected tonight?"
"Mhm" he practically moaned in agreement.
"Well then get ready for graduation because I can't do anything until after that, I would hate to ruin your pretty hair before you walk on stage." I said against the shell of his ear. He shivered as my hot breath brushed against his ear and got up as quickly as possible to fix himself up.

We had finally finished getting ready for our graduation, so I phoned terry so roger wouldn't have to drive. After all I do like to spoil my prince occasionally. We arrived at the place we were going to graduate there, I opened the car door for Roggie and held his hand and we went to go meet up with Brian and John. Eventually we found the pair already sitting down in the stands with roger and I's parents.
"Hello you two" I heard brian say in a camp voice.
"Why hello love birds, mum, dad, mr and mrs Taylor." They all nodded at us to say hello. We chatted with our 'fans' as Roggie called them up until the announcer called all of the students to sit in our designated seats. Of course I was not about to sit away from roger so I pulled a chair up by mine since I had an isle seat so it wasn't that much of a hassle.

After a good few minutes maybe even an hour, I didn't really know I kinda zoned out, but anyway the announcer called me onto the stage to receive my diploma. Soon enough roger had gotten his name called and then he walked back over to me where he kinda just fell asleep on my shoulder the rest of the time. Personally I couldn't blame him if I had someone to sleep on without waking roger up I would've done the same because this damn ceremony was taking too fucking long. They finished the whole thing with this long ass poem type of thing wishing us all luck in our next stage of life.

I had woken roger up and we went to go search for our friends and families to tell them goodbye. When we found them and did that, our next stop was to find terry so we could get home and have some fun. Terry was waiting outside of the car for us, we stepped in and terry closed the door for us. Terry started the car and began the route to our apartment. The car ride was as always, very boring, that was until roger began to run his hand along my thigh and innocently flash me his lust filled baby blues. Damn he was irresistible like this trying to act all innocent and such, but I just couldn't resist teasing him to see his ocean eyes get even more clouded over with lust it was so hot.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk someone is impatient, didn't already have to get onto you earlier." He nodded rapidly "Well suppose you didn't quite get the message did you baby boy?" He scooted closer to me and shook his head. "Well maybe this will teach you." I slapped his ass and kissed him roughly while slightly constricting his breathing with my other hand. My eyes peered to the side to make sure terry wasn't paying attention to what was happening. Well I mean he obviously knew, but he would never say anything being the kind soul that he was. My kissing started to get sloppier by the second and I began to softly nip at his bottom lip with my teeth while he let out soft whimpers of desperation. Just then I snaked my hand up his thigh and rubbed my hand across his stiff cock, but quickly moving it away to tease him some more. Sure enough that got a reaction out of him because he let out a breathy moan that he was trying to stifle back by biting his tongue, but it didn't work in his favor. My lips began moving lower until I was eventually at his neck, I sucked dark hickies all across his soft, pale neck and he quietly moaned with each one. There must've been at least seven at this point, then all of the sudden I heard someone clear their voice.
"Uhmmm Freddie we-we're at your s-stop." Terry stared timidly.
"Oh right sorry about that dear, roger here must've distracted me." I chuckled a little as Rog gave me a playful slap on my shoulder with a fake look of offense.

The second I opened the door I grabbed Rogers ass and pinned him against the wall, I lifted him slightly so that his legs were wrapped around me. My mouth made its way back to Rogers neck and I began to softly grind my hard cock against his to create some delightful friction. Roger began to moan louder as one of my hands pranced along his chest and stomach while I swiftly tossed my shirt off with my other hand.The tension was starting to get almost unbearable as roger worked at my pants trying to get them undone, but he was shaking so it wasn't really working out in his favor. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore so I set him down for a second and took my own pants and boxers off. I started to work at Rogers clothes starting with his shirt, I started to work at his shirt buttons, but when I looked at him he had a sly smirk on his face.

"What is it baby, do you have a surprise for me?" I questioned with excitement obvious in my tone, as roger just let out a small chuckle and nodded his head. A slight blush began to work its way onto his precious face, and I smirked with excitement. My hands began to work faster at the buttons as soon as I finished the buttons I tossed his shirt somewhere. My new focus was getting his pants off so I could see his little surprise, when I had unbuttoned them and unzipped his fly I was met with a very erotic sight. Roggie had on a little red lacy thong with a black lacy garter belt over them, i couldn't contain myself anymore with this beautiful sight in front of me.

I tossed his pants to the side, grabbed a bottle of lube, and picked him back up.
"Did you prepare yourself like I asked you baby?" I mumbled hotly in his ear, he could only reply with a swift bit and said something softly, but I couldn't really hear him, it was most likely him saying yes. So I slid his thong to the side, because it was too hot for me to take off of him. I worked some lube onto my dick swiftly. Then The tip of my cock began to tease at his entrance by pushing softly, yet not exactly entering him yet. He then pushed himself backwards so that only about an inch of my cock was inside of him and he was moaning quite loudly, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get some kind of complaint but oh well. My cock began to slide further into his tight, hot ass. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and I started to nibble softly at his collar bone while I worked myself deeper into him.

When I was balls deep I waited a few moments for him to get used to my length inside of him, and when I felt as though he was ready I delivered my first gently thrust as Rogers moans became louder than I thought possible, I'm sure he broke at least one wine glass. My thrusts were getting harder and faster as time went on, roger was absolutely losing it at this point. His hair was spread wildly, his jaw was hanging widely, his eyes were screwed shut, and he was almost glowing because the light was hitting the sweat on his slightly pink skin just right, the sight was almost too much for me to handle. I angled my cock just right so that I could hit Rogers prostate for the first time tonight and he absolutely lost it, I though his voice was going to give out because of his intense moans. I repeatedly hit his prostate for a while until my thrust were getting more sporadic, I could tell that we were getting close.
"Freddie... p-please AH touch ME plEAse." Roger moaned, my hand wrapped around his thick cock and I began to stroke it roughly as his breathing became more ragged.
"Cum for me baby, p-please." Just as the words fell off of my lips he shot his cum across both of our chests. The sight pushed me over the edge and I shot my cum deep into his ass, I took a moment to gather myself after my orgasm and carried Rog over to the couch so that we could get some sleep before our interview at the school tomorrow.

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