For fucks sake

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HELL FUCKIN YEAH I MADE A 22 ON MY ACT. Ok sorry for yelling, but anyways it's spring break so I should be updating a lot more. <3

Freddie pov

"Get up pimp daddy" twas time to wake up Roggie.
"Freddie for the last fucking time please don't call me pimp daddyyyy."
"Okay, but we really do need to get up from our naps Bri told us to come over to dinner with them like two weeks ago the least we can do is go now." He just grunted and stretched into me as i gave him a peck on the lips.
"Hey freddie wanna go wake up Alyse please." He gave me puppy dog eyes, dammit he knows I can't say no to that shit so I just nodded.

I slowly got off of the bed and dragged the covers off of Rog in the process, but it was okay he does it to me all the time. I walked over to Alyse's room and it turns out she wasn't even asleep, she was reading some book. I don't understand how someone can enjoy doing that.
"What's up Alyse."
"Nothin much I'm just reading what about you papa?"
"Well we need to get ready because we are going over to uncle Brian and uncle johns house, I don't think you've met them yet. They are pretty okay, but I think you'll get along more with uncle Brian. Uncle John is a little sassy so I get along with him more than brian."
"Okay, sounds fun." She sounds so much smarter than me and she's only seven what the fuck. I will tell you one thing though I do not like her style it's too bland, she needs to stick out more if she's going to be in the mercury family.
"Just so you know I'm going to pick your outfit for today you have to make a great impression on your uncles." She just sighed and sat back down on her bed and began to read again.

I settled on some yellow bell bottoms for her with a yellow, black, and white stripped long sleeve with some black shoes. I laid the outfit on her bed and told her to change into it as I got Rog ready. To my surprise when I walked into our bedroom Rog had a towel loosely wrapped around his waist trying to make the bed. His hair was soaking wet and his skin was glistening with water droplets, fuck he looked so good. I walked up behind him and started to suck and bite as his neck and he let out a breathy moan.
"Freddie s-stop we have to g-get ready." He said in between moans.
"Orrrrr we could tell them that Alyse got sick???" I gave him a saucy glance. "Please?" I let my hand run curiously along his waist and hips and he just let out a quiet whine.
"W-we've dome that three times already, l-let's just go. We c-can finish this later, p-plus Alyse is awake."
"Oh that won't matter if we gag you up, would you like that Rog? Do you want to be tied up with a gag in your mouth hmm?"
"I-I have to go to the bathroom." Dammit he won this time.

After Roger so rudely denied my cock of any attention I had to start getting ready. With the sound of the hair drier going on in the bathroom I'm assuming Rog is doing the same. I decided upon some white platforms, white skinny pants, a white cropped button up, and a yellow jacket with black stripes. To finish off the look I put on two of my silver necklaces. Soon enough Rog exited the bathroom in this all denim outfit with his ugly ass pink converse, but today they didn't look too bad on him.
"Rog for fucks sake why are you dressed like a fucking twink lumberjack."
"Um rude, but I thought I looked nice for your information." He left the room to go tell Alyse that we were about to leave.

Once we were all ready we went out to the car and Rog drove. On our way there I got pretty bored because Rog was playing his music which fucking sucked I wanted to play Aretha Franklin, but Rog said he's not a fan. I looked over at Rog only to see that he was biting his fucking lip, why does he do that type of shit he knows what he's doing and I'm sure of it. I moved my hand from my lap and reached over to stroke Rogers leg, he let out a small gasp. I slowly started to work my way up to his inner thigh and I just started to rub small circles, he just shot me a glare that did absolutely nothing. I didn't move on I just kept on stroking his thigh until we arrived.

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