What did you expect

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*freddies pov

Rog and I got ready as quickly as possible and then sprinted out the door towards Rogers car. The drive there was virtually silent since roger was focused on getting to the studio on time. When we finally arrived at the studio it was 2:05, I mean we were close enough to being on time. We stepped into the studio to see Brian with his arms folded and a very annoyed look on his face, whilst John was at the counter eating some cheese on toast. 'God here we go again' I thought

"Where were you two and what were you doing" brian snapped

"Oh I think you know where and what we were doing" I smirked at Rog but he turned a bit red, I may have embarrassed him, but it was a good comeback.

"If you aren't going to take the band seriously than I'm out, because I won't sit around and listen to you two fuck all day while John and I are working out fucking asses off! That's not how this works we are al supposed to be working equally hard!"

I just rolled my eyes at Brian's nagging "Brian, Rog and I have literally been everywhere with you and John, and on time may I add, so I don't know why the fuck you're being such a little bitch to us. What the fuck did we do to you, please enlighten me?!"

"Fuck you!" Brian stormed out of the studio

"What's gotten into him?" I mumbled into the shell of Rogers ear, he just shrugged.

"Deaky did he say what his problem was to you?"

"Uhhh not that I remember but I kinda zoned out the moment I started making my cheese on toast" he giggled.

"Alright good to know he's just got his nuts in a twist today" I said with a hint of bitterness in my tone. " what do you two say we go out to eat since poodle pussy has stormed out?"

"Sounds lovely babe" Rog kissed my hand.

"I just ate but I'm down to go with you two, I'll probably get a tea or something"

"Okay lets go to the little hole in the wall down the road" we walked there because it was too close for us to drive, also it was a little exercise. I got us a table, Rog and I sat on one side and deaky sat across from us. We had a great time at the restaurant, once we finished our food roger suggested that we go shopping. Deaky kindly declined and said that he was gonna go home and ask brian why he was acting like he was. Guess it's just more shopping for me and Rog, was I ever excited to go shopping with him.

                           *johns pov

I walked home since Fred and Rog took the car, and of course brian took mine home. It was pretty peaceful I enjoyed it 10/10. Ok so when I got home brian was on the couch and he looked as though he'd been crying, but he also looked annoyed. He is a very confusing man, but oh boy was i about to be really confused.

"Wassup Bri you look disturbed to say the least"

"Gee thanks, but glad to know you care"

"What was your out burst about earlier, the boys were concerned"

"Well I don't know I've just been thinking a lot lately ya know"

"Go on"

"I've just been thinking a lot lately that's all, can I not think"

"Hey don't get sassy with me you know I'm sensitive, but if you brought it up you're obviously not just thinking about nothing are you?"

"I guess not but you would probably hate me if you knew"

"I would not," i was a little offended he would say that I don't even hate wasps even though they deserve it "no matter what you do I would never hate you, or anyone for that matter, so what is it."

"Ok well I-i... um i .. I like you j-John and I've been kinda jealous of what Rog and Fred have I guess but my point in saying this is." He stated hesitantly "well I wanted you to...bemyboyfriend" he jumbled the last bit so I didn't exactly hear him.

"I couldn't exactly hear the last bit could you say it again, if it isn't too much of a hassle."

"I want you to be my boyfriend John." He was a little more confident this time round which I enjoyed.


"Okay what?" He sounded scared.

"I'll be your boyfriend I mean I've liked you for a good while I just didn't think it would get anywhere, so I let that energy out on my song writing."

"Oh shit well I don't know where to go from here I only prepared myself for failure."

"Understandable, how about we watch a movie while Rog and Fred are out?"

"Sounds wonderful" we settled onto the love seat I was laid on his chest and his hand was on my lower back. This was perfect, in all honesty I had never actually "like" liked Bri before this. But I never didn't either he was always just a grey area because when ever I was around him I would just be confused. I can most certainly say now that if I didn't like him before I like him now because this just feels so right to me. Although his hand was getting awfully close to my bum and I didn't enjoy that so I tapped his hand and he scooted it up without any complaints. I eventually fell asleep on him because his breathing had hypnotized me, his hands were also making calming patterns on my back, this was heaven.

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