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Freddie pov

When we got to the restaurant, Roger pick us out a booth. I sat down on a side with roger and surprisingly Alyse was okay sitting with Ophelia. While we were all looking at the menu roger started to be a little clingy to me, he was putting his head on my shoulder, kissing my cheek, and saying I love you like a lot. I think I know what this means, and if I'm right that means I'm going to have a damn good night.

After we placed our orders I decided I would start the conversation with Ophelia.
"Okay darling, so are you looking for someone to stay with?"
"Um yes sir, but only for one year, because after that I'll start college."
Once she said that I looked over at Rog to see if he was thinking the same thing. By the way his eyes looked I could tell he was. We were both thinking about letting her stay with Brian and John, because they were both thinking about kids. I know she isn't really a kid, but it would just kind of be a taste for the parent life.

I decided I would take off for the rest of the day so that I could let her go meet the boys since they both had night shifts at their jobs. Roger however couldn't take off, because it was his first day at his job, I felt bad for the lovely little thing because he said his ass hurt. When it was time for me to drop Rog off he looked very sad, but I guess that just means I'll have to make it up for him tonight. After we had dropped roger off I was on my way to John and Brian's house.
"So darling do you have any siblings?"
"No sir."
"Alright great, I'm going to take you over to my friends brian and John. they are lovely I'm sure you will love them, but if for any reason you don't want to stay you could tell me alright?"
"Yes sir."

Once we had arrived at brian and johns I unbuckled Alyse and we walked towards their front door. I knocked gently and waited until I heard the lock coming undone. When it opened brian was standing right in front of the door and John was cuddled up into his side.
"Hello darlings how are you?"
"Never better." I heard johns muffled sarcastic reply from Brian's side.
"What's wrong with John?" I asked brian quietly.
"Well he had a bit of a panic attack earlier, but he's alright now just a headache and he said he feels a bit dizzy. Shall I show you to the couches?"
I felt bad for John maybe I should've chosen a better time, but maybe he wanted company, who knows.

As I was walking in brian noticed I had Alyse and ophelia with me. He quickly picked up Alyse and kissed her on the cheek and greeted Ophelia. He knew of her of course because I told him she might be staying with him but he hadn't met her.
"Hello love what is your name?"
"O-ophelia." She said shyly.
"Why that's a lovely name, would you like some tea?"
"Uh yes please."
"One for me also darling." I smiled cheekily and Brian just gave me a glare.
"If I make you tea Freddie you have to make John a water." I rolled my eyes at him before going to grab the water.

I brought the water into the living room and set it over by the recliner. I then sat down on one of their couches. Alyse sat next to me with a juice box and Ophelia sat next to her with a tea. A few seconds later Brian and John emerged from the kitchen with two plates of food, I'm guessing they hadn't had lunch yet. When they sat down John cuddled up to brian, the poor dear looked miserable I wish I had chosen another time. Brian decided to start the conversation.
"So what did you come over for Freddie and where's roger?"
"Roger is at his job and we are actually here to see if ophelia can stay with you for a while."
"Oh of course we'll let you stay, we have a guest room if you have anything's you'd like to put in there now."
"Wait so I'm like staying now?" Ophelia said.
"If you'd like. Also Bri she doesn't have anything with her except her backpack, her mum kicked her out for a dumbass reason." Brian's gaze softened when he looked at her.Ophelia decided that she would stay, and Brian said he'd go shopping with her that afternoon.

Ophelia pov

Once Freddie and Alyse had left me I went to go check out the guest room. It was pretty average, well i mean better than my old room, but it just looks like your average guest room. I quickly set my backpack down and then went back out to the living room. John and Brian were sitting in the same place, I was a little concerned about John because he hadn't spoken a word, but Freddie didn't seem to be fazed. When I sat down on the couch brian smiled at me.
"Would you like to go now love." I don't understand why everyone was being so kind to me I didn't deserve it.

However I just nodded my head and bent down to re put on my shoes. Brian did the same and John eventually did too. Brian told me that we were just going to walk because the shops were only a few blocks away. About halfway into the walk brian leaned over to whisper something into my ear..
"By the way johns not usually this quote he just doesn't feel too well, I don't want you thinking he is mad or anything." He smiled at me, that made sense i guess.

After we had made it back from the shops, Brian had asked me to try on my clothes to see if they fit. When I got back into my bedroom I couldn't help but smile, it's like I've finally found my stroke of good luck.

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