The Cafe

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So like i actually hate the way I wrote this but oh well, its pretty much just a filler. :( sorry

Opelia POV

When I woke up the next morning I just laid in my bed for a bit, because it was so fucking comfortable, and also I was enjoying the peace there was at this house. Usually there was absolutely no silence or peace at my mums place. While I was sitting there I began to wonder what John and Brian were really like, because I hadn't exactly gotten to talk to either to either of them yesterday, especially John. I wondered if they would hate me if they found out I was gay, but then I realized that the two of them were gay and married.

I eventually found the strength to get up, but before I left my room I put on some pants, because I usually don't sleep with pants on and I would be properly mortified if John or Brian saw me without pants. Once I had a pair of yoga pants (that brian had so kindly bought for me) on I slowly opened the door and padded my way to the kitchen for some food. However on the way there I saw that my hair looked horrific and my mascara was smeared everywhere, I needed a shower, badly. I slipped back into my room and went into the bathroom to shower.

John POV

Brian and I had been awake for just under an hour when we began to hear the shower run in Ophelias room. I was glad that she was taking care of herself, I was nervous that she wouldn't because i had a sneaking suspicion that she was a little depressed. When I'm feeling depressed I tend to not really think about taking care of myself, its actually at the bottom of my list when I get bad.

"what are you thinking of love? You look awfully focused." 

I had nearly forgotten brian was there until he spoke to me, and to be honest I forgot he even spoke to me until he kissed the top of my head, grabbing my attention. I really am not a morning person, I can't focus on anything until at least two hours after I wake up.

"Hmm?" Brian hummed softly trying to get me to answer.

"Oh, sorry, you know I can't focus on anything in the mornings." I giggles softly and he just placed his warm hand on my cheek, smiling, then catching me in a loving kiss. when our lips finally separated, we gazed into each others eyes, completely drowning in the moment. The only thing that caught our attention was the sound of soft footsteps moving down the hall. I slowly turned my head to see Ophelia walking in the living room with a soft smile on her face. She was wearing a pair of light grey yoga pants, that i personally thought were too tight, yet brian insisted that was how they were supposed to look. She also had on a baggy sweatshirt that used to be brians. 

"good morning Ophelia would you like to go out for some breakfast with John and I?" Brian questioned softly and we both smiled encouragingly at her, I hoped she would want to eat with us I would love to learn more about our "daughter".

"Um yes please, Im actually quite hungry." She looked at us and laughed nervously.

"Breakfast it is!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Brian dear how about we go to that one breakfast place, the uh- the one with the breakfast wraps. Im sure Ophelia would love the place, they play hip music." I said seriously and both Brian and Ophelia laughed loudly.

"Okay love well go there, but I just wanted you to know that just because they play new music does not mean Ophelia will for sure love the place like you do." he laughed lovingly at me and bopped my nose when I began to blush. "Believe it or not Opelia, John simply cannot go more that one week without going to this damned breakfast dinner, so you'd best enjoy it, I mean its not bad anyways."

"Id love to try it." she spoke.

When we finally made it to my favorite breakfast spot I happily sat us in the booth next to the window so I could look outside while I ate. Only a few moments of sitting down one of my favorite waitresses came to help us.

"Hello honey how are you and Brian doing on this fine day?"

"Great actually, we actually have a new member to bri and Is lil family." I smiled and pointed to a blushing Ophelia.

"Oh she's beautiful! what's your name sweetheart?" 

"Ophelia." she answered the waitress quietly.

When we finally got our food, I noticed something. When ophelia opened her mouth to eat her food I saw a tongue ring. I've always thought they were so cool, but i think it'd be very annoying after a while. 

"Oh I love your tongue ring Ophelia!" 

"Oh thank you. Do you or Brian have any piercings?" I bit my lip on that question, I mean yes technically I do have piercings, but I don't think she would want to know about my nipple piercings. Brian looked over at me obviously stifling a laugh while Ophelia looked over confused.

"Yeah, John actually had two." Brian said ending his sentence with a loud laugh. I looked over at Brian with annoyance written all over my face. I assume Ophelia senses the tension and decides not to ask where, good choice.

"Oh, I would have thought you at least had an ear piercing Brian. I only have my tongue ring. Anyways enough of that, what are your jobs?"

Once we had thoroughly discussed everything under the sun, we decided to go home. As soon as we stepped though the doors Brian suggested scrabble, so for the rest of the day we played scrabble. We learned another thing about ophelia that day, she can be very kind and quiet, but when it comes to competition she becomes fiery and competitive, much like Roger in a way.

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