Wait what do you mean!?

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*roger pov

After a very stressful and frustrating 20 minutes, mostly because of Brian's nagging, but also because I was really wanting to see what freddies whole plan was about. Just as I started to drift off into my thoughts I felt Freddie's hand on my lower thigh. I looked up at him with shocked eyes and he just had his devilish smirk on I knew something was about to go on. Not that Bri or deaky would recognize yet because they were off on their own little love struck island talking to each other. I nearly forgot about Freddie's hand until he started to slide it up and closer to my inner thigh all with his smirk growing and my cock slightly hardening because of the tension added now that we could be caught it was kinda erotic. I bit my lip a little so no one would be able to tell what was going on.

"Are you all ready to order now?" I heard our server announce.

"Uhm yeah I believe so" Bri responded. We gave the server our orders and with that the server walked off.

"Freddie do you always have to get the most extravagant dish on the menu" Bri questioned with a bit of bitterness in his tone.

"Yes Bri it would be out of character for me to do anything less than that wouldn't it?"

With that freddie moved his hand closer to my now really hard cock because he was stroking my thigh for so long. He swiftly moved his hand to my dick and palmed me through my pants. I had to put my head down on the table and grab at the table cloth so I wouldn't moan or anything.

"Um Rog are you alright, you just don't look to good" deaky said.

"Yep I am-ahHh- good, sorry i, uHm had something in my THRoat."

"Oh um okay i guess."

Freddie teased the button on my pants and finally undid them, I was not wearing any underwear because freddie suggested I didn't. Once freddie had my button undone he pulled at the zipper and pulled at it annoyingly slow and I was not in the mood for any of this teasing. I just wanted him to give me a quick handy and be done with it.

"God freddie can you not" I said nonchalantly trying not to say exactly what he was not to do.

"Hmm I'll think about it" I rolled my eyes at Freddies statement.

"What's up with you two?" Bri questioned.

"Oh well freddie here will not stop stepping on my brand new shoes and I'm kindve getting a little -aaAH-annoyed" I glare at Freddie only to see him wink at me.

He grabbed onto my cock and started pumping it really hard and fast but not too hard because you would be able to hear it if he did that. I had my head in my arms and I was biting at my jacket sleeve so I wouldn't scream, I mean freddie was doing so damn well so it was quite the task. That was until freddie did this new little trick that almost made me lose it and I made a kind of small grunting sound.

"What the hell is going on down there!?" Bri exclaimed.

"Oh um nothing, nothing at all Bri." Freddie did not sound convincing enough apparently so Bri looked underneath the table and was greeted with the great view of freddie giving me a handy.

"Freddie put your fucking hands on the table right now and I do not want to see your hand go back under that damn table do you under stand me!?"

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