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Freddie pov

We had to take poor little Alyse to school this morning for her first day of second grade. I felt really bad, because she had just began living with us for about five days and she was already having to go to school, it just wasn't fair.

We got her up with little effort, she was quite the morning person unlike Rog and I, but I quite liked
It, because we needed someone to make us more peppy in the mornings. I picked out her outfit, and yes I know she's old enough to do that, but I want to pick out her outfits. I picked her out a yellow skirt, a pink floral shirt, and brown flats. I even curled her beautiful brown hair and pinned it back a bit, she was about to outdo all of the other tiny motherfuckers in her class.

When she was all dressed, we were a tiny bit behind schedule, however Rog had already made the breakfast so we should be okay. Once I had given Alyse her breakfast I strutted over to roger. Rog and I were slightly out of Alyse's sight because of the fridge, so I thought it was the perfect time to tease my Roggie.
"Hey baby." I smirked as I rested my hand right on his cock, and he jumped a little bit out of surprise. 
"Ooo hello." He bit his lip and I slowly started to stoke his cock through his right velvet pants. I started to suck on his neck a little leaving tons of love bites behind. When he looked properly hot and bothered I walked back over to Alyse to chat with her before school.

Not even five seconds later Rog shows up right behind me with the biggest frown on his face.
"Oh look Alyse daddy is pouting I think you should cheer him up shouldn't you." She just nodded and got up from her chair then began to tickle him, while Rog laughed hysterically.
"Ahhh the princess has turned on her people, run!" Rog announced dramatically as he ran off to the living room while Alyse chased him. I smiled to myself, not only because the whole thing was quite hilarious, but because this is the most has let loose since we first met her and I loved it.
"Alright Alyse and dad I think it's time we head on to school. You can finish your attack when school is over can't you Alyse?" I laughed.
"Oh no she will not." Rog said in a jokingly sassy voice while Alyse giggled.

When we got to the school we dropped Alyse off with her teacher, the only tears came from Rog and I. I was happy that she didn't have a problem with school, but on the other hand I didn't want her to be there without us. Well that sounded more selfish than i thought... when we got back into the car I decided it was time to finish what started with Rog. While he was driving I placed my hand on his knee and slowly creeped my way up to his inner thigh while he let out a soft moan. I pulled and the waist band of his tight pants then slid my hand into his pants and grabbed his cock. I began to stroke his cock and swirl my thumb around the sensitive head.

With my other hand I unzipped his pants and got his cock out of his underwear so I had more room to work. I licked a thick line along my palm and then began to pump his cock faster while he was trying to focus on the road. His eyes were opened wide and his lips were slightly parted to allow his soft moans to pass through. I turned the radio off so that I could hear all of his noises properly.

After about ten minutes of this he looked as if he were about to finish, so I instructed him to pull over. He did as he said and I began to stroke his cock mercilessly until he finished into my fist and let out a satisfied moan.
"Fuck Freddie that was so good."
"I know darling." I said with fake cockiness in my voice as I wiped off my hand with a tissue. Then I kissed him, but in this there as no lust involved, it was just gentle and loving.

Slowly we parted from the kiss and just looked at each other for a few moments before I broke the silence.
"What do you say we go get Alyse from school early today for some ice cream?" He just laughed at me.
"Freddie I know you miss her and all, but she at least had to go the full day on the first day, but after that I couldn't give less of a shit if she goes to school or not."
"Alrighttt I guess you have a point there, but we are going for ice cream after we pick her up. Just wanted to let you know that."
"I'm down for that, butttttt until then I think we should go home and take a nap since we both have a day off."
"Sounds like a plan baby."

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