You and i

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Ok so like I'm doing a time skip and it's gonna be like two years in the future, but don't worry I will do a lil catch up thing or whatever to set tha scene.
Anywayysssss enjoy the story and thanks for all the support especially lorie1483  . Ok on with the story.

Roger pov

The past two years have been great for all four of us at least in my opinion. Brian and John moved out of the flat leaving me and Freddie to share a flat and I was not complaining about that I mean it is pretty much a 24/7 fuck fest now. Brian is still studying astrophysics, John is studying electronics, and Freddie and I are graduating in a few days and teaching at a school together. Freddie is going to be the choir teacher, while I am going to be a biology teacher, but at the moment I'm in the bed waiting for Freddie to get back from the store. He bought us art supplies so that we could decorate our caps, since we are graduating in about two days.

I had just gotten comfortable and I was about to drift off into a peaceful sleep. That was until I hear someone barge through the front door, now that would usually scare me but since I heard someone someone singing loudly and snapping I knew it was Freddie.
"I'm back darling come over to the living room so we can decorate." I heard my boyfriend shout. I rushed over to the living room, because I was very excited to decorate, oh and also I wanted to see Freddie.

When I walked into the living room I was greeted by the sight of Freddie shirtless and spreading newspapers all over the carpet so that we wouldn't get paint on it. Damn, Freddie sure did look good on his knees. Oh and one thing I didn't mention is that Freddie and I were not having sex until the night of our graduation to give us more to look forward to, but it was awfully frustrating having to see him look this good, knowing that he couldn't just bend me over the couch. Believe it or not this whole deal was Freddie's idea for some god forsaken reason.

I strolled to where Freddie was spreading the papers, I don't think he had even realized I was so close to him yet. I leaned over him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"I was beginning to worry that you had fallen asleep, and what a shame that would've been for me to have to paint a cock on your cap."
"Well good thing I didn't fall asleep" I chuckled and he kissed the top of my cheek. I got the paints and things out of the office room that used to be johns room and carried them over to where Freddie was. I set the items down in between us and I sat myself right next to Freddie and slightly leaned myself against him and he wrapped his left arm over me while painting with his right hand, he is truly talented.

I began to paint a car onto my cap while he was painting a cat of course, he finished way earlier than me and began to paint my leg because I was wearing short shorts. I wasn't paying attention to what he was painting because I was too focused on what I was doing, but it felt very relaxing as the brush made its way across my leg making intricate patterns. I tried to see what he was doing but he covered it with a newspaper and swatted at me.
"Be patient love." He laughed while slightly blushing now I was really curious to see what he was doing, but I knew it would be pointless to try and look with Freddie defending it so well.

I quickly finish up and kissed Freddie's had with the newspaper in it, he looked up and smiled shyly.
"What did you paint love?" I questioned because I was rather curious. He moved the paper slowly and I almost died of anticipation because of how slowly he was moving. When he moved I almost cried when I read what it said, correction I did cry. He had painted a rose garden on my leg that read 'will you marry me?' In fancy cursive. I grabbed onto him and squeezed him into me while I nodded ferociously into his chest while repeating "yes" over and over at least a good 50 times. He stroked my back while happy tears were pouring out of both of our eyes. I looked up at him and he had a ring pinched between his index and middle finger. He took my hand kissed it and then slid the ring onto it, I smiled widely and kissed him lovingly as he returned the kiss almost instantly as he was playing with my hair.

After me and Freddie had a moment because now we were no longer boyfriends, but we were FUCKING FIANCÉS HELL YEAHHHH!!! Freddie decided it was time that he called his parents, and he told me I should do the same. He called his first.

"Hello mum"
"Pretty good how about you and dad"
"Well I actually called you to tell you some very important news"
"Yeah um so you know roger right"
"Well uh he's going to be your son in law very very soon" I swear I could hear excited shrieks come from the other end of the call as Freddie moves the phone away from his ear a little and i laughed at him.
"I know I'm very excited too, and yes I am taking good care of him" he winked at me
"Ok I have to let you go now mum so roger can have a chance to speak with his family, but tell dad and kash for me will you?"
"Thanks I love you too mum, bye bye!"

Freddie handed the phone over to me and I dialed my mum to tell her the news, I knew she was going to be so excited since she always talks about how much she loves Freddie. So I hit the call button and waited for her to answer, until I heard her pick up the phone.

"Hey, mum I've got some very exciting news for you, are you ready?"
"YES" she shouted sounding as if she already knew what I was about to say.
"Wellllll, Freddie asked me to marry him" I looked at my ring and then gave Freddie a kiss on the lips.
"OH MY GOD YESSS, you haveee to come over so I can congratulate you two. I am so happy for you Roggie!"
"Thank you mum and we will as soon as we find some time"
"Ok bye Roggie and congratulations I love you dear"
"Thank you mum, I love you bye."

I hung up the phone and snuggled into Freddie's chest as he lie on the couch.
"I love you babe" I whispered against the shell of his ear.
"I love you too darling, more than you know. I love you to the stars and further."
I made a noise against his chest because he was being so incredibly sweet to me, I mean he always is but especially right now.
"Do you want to go visit Deaky and Bri to tell them the news" he said excitedly into my hair.
"Of course!"

I drove us over to where the couple lived and quickly found a place to park while Fred and I walked hand in hand to their apartment. Freddie gave the door three sharp knocks before a sleepy Deaky appeared at the door.
"What brings you two to this part of town" he said.
"Ok well first of all you literally love like two minute away from us, but also get Bri because we have some news." Freddie stated.
"Your pregnant?!" Deaky shouted.
"No john what the fuck?" I laughed before he walked away leading us to their living room to where Bri was lounging. We all took a seat and had a small conversation before we got to the big news.
"Ok so you came over why, not that I hate your here or anything it's just that deaky here informed me that you two have some big news." Brian said.
"Yes indeed we do" Freddie grabbed my hand and showed off my ring. John gasped before letting out a squeal while Brian started to tear up and hugged us many, many times.
"Congratulations husbands to be! I love you two." Brian said.
"Congrats homies" Deaky was trying to do some impersonation or maybe that was him trying to be cool who knows, but we all had a group hug and then we stayed over at their place for about two hours before making it back to our place.

When we arrive at the apartment Freddie quickly got out his most expensive champagne and glasses. He poured us both a glass and raised his to make a toast.
"To us!"
"To us!" I repeated and kissed him before taking a sip of my drink.

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