Its a hard life

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Two days later the morning of graduation

Freddie pov

I woke up really early because I was so excited about graduation but mostly I was looking forward to fucking his lights out. I looked down to see Rog cuddled up into my bare chest. His face was covered by my chest so I turned him slightly so I could see him. When I rolled him over he rustled slightly and I began to play with his blond locks so that he wouldn't wake up at I got out of bed. I threw on some satin black pants, a white flowing shirt, and my black platforms. I rushed out the door and sprinted to one of the breakfast diners near us so that I could get him some breakfast in bed, and god knows I couldn't cook for shit. I soon reached this cute diner with an oldies vibe to it. I ran to the cashier and asked her for two breakfast wraps and two glasses of orange juice to go with them. She quickly came back out with a bag that looked to have everything I ordered inside of it.

The bag was dangling off of my arm as I began my trek to the apartments, but my eyes were quickly caught by a beautiful flower shop I just knew I had to look in. I looked a little longer than expected because I walked out 30 minutes after I went in, but hey at least I got roger a bouquet with baby's breath and pink tulips inside, because I gotta treat my fiancé right. I was sprinting at this point because not only did I have to make it to the apartment before roger woke up, but I also had to set his food, drink, and flowers up on a tray to make it look fancy and special.

When I had finally approached our door I quickly made my way to the kitchen and set up his tray. I brought it over to our room to find that roger was still sleeping peacefully. Then I set the tray onto the beside table and gently kissed his lips and shook his shoulder slightly. Eventually he woke up and gave me a precious grin before looking nervously at his hand. He looked up at me with confusion and it looked as if he was about to cry.
"What is it baby?" I questioned.
"Where... uh where's my ring?" He sounded slightly panicked, but I only let out a laugh.
"What this isn't funny Freddie!" He looked pitiful.
I picked his ring up off of the table and presented it in front of his face and he let out a sigh and a soft giggle.

I picked up the tray and placed it gently on top of Rogers stomach and cupped his cheek, I leaned in for a gentle kiss before scooting him over a bit so I could sit next to him. He laid his head onto my shoulder before thanking me and lovingly kissing my neck.

Once we had finished our breakfast I moved the tray, sat back down, and then lifted roger up so that he was now straddling me. I leaned in for a passionate kiss as one of my hands were groping at Rogers ass, the other was tangled in Rogers blond locks of hair. I pulled at his hair gently as he moaned into the kiss. My kissed move slightly more downward, first with his bottom lip, then his jaw, and finally I rested my final kiss onto his neck. Slowly I started to move from kissing to actually sucking and slightly nipping at his neck all while he was moaning and grinding against my hand. All until of course someone had to knock at the door which was very very annoying I will admit.
"I'll get it darling you just rest your pretty little self for tonight" I tossed him a wink.

When I approached the door I opened it to reveal Rogers mother outside the door.
"hello mrs. Taylor how are you?" I said kindly.
" I am fine how are you and Rog?"
"Oh we are wonderful thank you for asking?"
"I see that." She gave a slight chuckle.
"Um w-what do y-you see."
"Well I might want to go to your bedroom to see what I'm talking about." She said letting out another breathy laugh. I took the hint and looked at my body only to see that i had a fucking boner, this was so embarrassing I doubt I'll ever live this one down.
"Oh fuck ok I'll be right back, you can make yourself at home." I sprinted over to the bedroom.

Roger looked at me with confusion.
"Um what was the running for should I be nervous."
"Well no, but uh your mum is at the door and I just talked to her for a good few minutes before I even noticed I had a fucking, please go talk to her while I sort all of this out." I quickly blurred out, while roger chucked so I gave him a pout.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry, but this is just really funny. I will however go speak with her while you 'tidy up'." He said Letting our yet another slight chuckle.
"Thank you baby your a blessing." I kissed his head and patted his back as he walked his way to the living room.

When I was done 'tidying up' as roger said I threw on some sweat pants and a hoodie. I marched my way to the living room with a blush spreading across my face, because of my embarrassment. I sat myself right next to roger to the point where I was practically sitting in his lap. I slightly hid my face on him and he just rubbed at my back because he knew I was in no mood to converse right now.

When Rogers mum had left I laid down on the couch and asked roger to cuddle me so that I may be able to forget about what just happened. I set an alarm for about 5 because our graduation was at 6:30 and I needed at least two hours to get ready. I then pulled roger closer to me so that his head was now on top of my chest and my chin was resting on the top of his head. I quickly fell asleep so that I could get my mind off of what just happened.


Sorry about this chapter I know it was really bad, but I'll make it up to y'all in the next chapter.

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