Las palabras de amor

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John pov

I walked down to the dining room to see Fred and Rog practically on each other's lap and Bri looking very uncomfortably at them while sitting on the other side of the table. When I get closer to the table Bri finally notices my presence and looks visibly relieved. I sit down in the seat next to Bri, he looked very handsome tonight I just couldn't resist telling him.
"Hey Bri you look very handsome."
"Thank you." He said with a smirk. I knew that meant something because he never does that unless he's about to make a move, and I am freaking ready for him to tonight. He slips his hand onto my thigh and gets up to get the food since we are all here, but I already missed his touch:(.

Brian placed the food down and let us all get some, but he fixed my plate for me because he's such a gentleman. When he's settled into his chair again he puts his hand back onto my thigh and gently rubs his thumb across my inner thigh. I look up at him with a soft smile because he makes me so happy and I really still can't believe we are together.

After our meal we bid Fred and Rog goodbye and told them congrats, oh and by the way they they Rogers last name is now Taylor-mercury I learned the during the meal hehehe. I finally closed the door after waving at the two until they left my sight. I turn around to see Bri no longer behind me, so I call out for him.
"Yes doll!"
"Where are you!"
"In the study room come join me"
I could almost hear his smile, but I was kinda nervous to see what brian had going on.

When I walked into the study room I see Bri standing there with his hand out and I can't help falling in love with you playing on the record player.
"John Richard Deacon please dance with me."
"Oh but of course." I said in a playfully posh voice. For the next couple of minutes I paid attention to nothing other than Brian. I had my head against his chest with my arms draped around his neck and his arms around my waist. We hadn't talked in a while we were just listening to the music and enjoying each other's company until brian spoke up.
"Hey I have a little date night ready for us would you like to come."
"Ok then follow me." He said as he picked up a large basket and grabbed my hand with the other. He led us out the door and walked us to where our date spot was. personally I had no clue, but I knew it would be great because Brian's gonna be there.

We ended up in this empty but beautiful field filled with flowers. Brian laid out a blanket and filled two glasses with wine. He also pulled out some cheese on toast and a small Tupperware filled with salad for himself. He then got out some candles, lit them, then he placed them around us so we could see since it was dark out. When we had finished our little snack he told me to lay down next to him and lay back.
"Okay now look to the left a little" he moved my head a little."ok yes perfect right there now look up again." I did as instructed. "Okay right there do you see that constellation right there?"
"Yeah what about it?"
"That constellation is Leo, and it just so happens to be my favorite constellation." He smiled at me.
"Because that constellation is your zodiac and every time I look at it I get reminded of you. I get reminded how you look at me when you first wake up, how you always say I love you before you leave a room, how you dance a little when you cook" he let out a breathy laugh and I started to tear up a little."how your eyes crinkle up when you smile, and not to mention the little gap between your teeth. I also get reminded of when a song you like comes on you jump a little and bite your lip, so when I look at that constellation I don't just see a bunch of stars I see your perfect self." He looked over at me but I couldn't speak all I could do was cry He was so sweet to me.
"So John Richard Deacon will you be mine forever so that when I look at the constellation I won't think of my boyfriend but I'll think of my more than perfect fiancé and eventual husband?" I started to nod very violently and hugged him tightly.

When I stopped sobbing I said yes so many times I don't think anyone could ever possibly count. Brian then tilted my head up to face him and swiped his thumb under my eyes to dry the tears that were there. He then cupped my cheek and kissed me the kiss wasn't filled with lust, it was filled with love and compassion and time seemed to stop all together all I could do was wrap my arms around Brian's neck and scoot closer to him. I started to cry again because I was so happy.
"Okay lovely I'm going to give you this now, but please calm down so you don't drop it, okay?" He giggles softly.
"Okay." I giggled back and slid the ring onto my finger as I dragged him into another kiss.

On out way back home he held my hand tightly and we could barely keep our eyes off of one another. Once we had finally arrive at the apartment Brian gently set the basket down and carried me to the bedroom and set me down on the bed.
"Can I make love to you?" Brian said softly and nervously.
"Mhm." I nodded my head. He pulled me into a passionate and slow kiss. While his lips were still on mine he laid me down on the bed while I worked at his shirt trying to get it off. Eventually I had his shirt off and he began to work at mine with out lips still attached. He gently slid my shirt off of my arms and started to suck on my neck while I let out quiet moans and whimpers of desperation. Once he reached the hem line on my pants he worked at my belt and took it off with expertise.

Eventually we were both naked and I started to suck his dick, but only for a little bit because this time I wanted to go all the way with Brian. I mean believe it or not brian and I hadn't gone all the way yet we've only done blowjobs, handys, and he's eaten me out once or twice but that's all. Tonight I was ready to go all the way. I looked up at him and smiled at him nervously, I was ready but I didn't really know quite what to expect.
"Are you ready baby?"
"Yeah I think."
"Okay, just let me know if I'm hurting you or if you just want to stop, Okay? Promise me please."
"I promise." I held my pinky out for him to shake and he giggled at me.

Then he turned me around and held onto my hips with the gentlest grip.
"Okay baby I'm gonna prep you, it may feel a but painful, so please let me know if you want me to stop Okay?" I just nodded my head.
He lubed up his fingers and pressed the pad of his thumb against my entrance until he finally worked it in me. I hissed at this new feeling but I knew I just had to push through and it would eventually feel great.
"Are you alright baby?"
"Mhm" I moaned out.
"Can I add another finger or do you need a second?"
"Go ahead." I mumbled, I was trying to get him to move along so that I could get the uncomfortable stuff out of the way.

He gently added another finger in and i scrunched up my face in discomfort at the feeling letting a tear run out of my eye. A few moments later he began to move his fingers around and started a scissoring motion, I eventually got used to the feeling and I really wanted him to move on.
"P-please move o-on." I managed to say.
"Oh desperate are we?" I was definitely now becoming the definition of a sassy bottom.
"Yes if you don't move AH."
At the end of my sentence he stuck the tip of his cock into my bum. He was much much bigger than two of his fingers, so the pain came back and I hissed at the feeling. He stopped every so often to make sure I was okay until he was all the way in. When I became comfortable again he started so softly thrust into me and I was definitely feeling good now. I thought it was at its peak, that was until he hit god knows what and it felt so freaking good so I told him to keep hitting what ever the heck he was hitting because it felt so good.

After a while I began to feel close to my orgasm and started to whine for Brian to touch me. He started to stroke my dick and with about three strokes I had finished and there was cum all over his hand and the sheets. Not long after I had finished brian reached his orgasm. We both collapsed on the bed to catch our breaths.
"That was so good deaky. You sounded so pretty." He smirked.
"Why thank you I try." I chuckled while he played with my hair. He then started to rub my back and pulled the blanket over us while still rubbing my back. I soon fell asleep feeling so happy about today.

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