In conclusion i fucked up

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*freddie pov

I woke up with roger wrapped around my waist and his head in my chest. I stretched my arms carefully trying not to wake Rog, but he started to open his mouth to yawn and made little noises. He was so cute but he did have drool on his cheek which was also pretty cute. I got up and took a shower when I came out his was sitting up on the bed, he looked like he had just woke up.

"Did you sleep good darling?"

"Yeah," he yawned " did you have a good shower" I nodded.

I walked over to him and brought him into a big hug. I picked him up and carried him to the kitchen, his head was buried into my shoulder. To my surprise John and Brian were already in the kitchen and they had made me and Roggie some breakfast. We sat down and ate our food we then decided to all watch a movie, so we found our spaces on the couch me and Rog were cuddling on the love seat and Bri and deaky took the couch.

After the movie the rest of the day went by pretty fast, until about eight at night when we all decided we should all have a drink. I went to the closest liquor store and grabbed a fuck-ton of vodka and champagne. I made my way back to the house and walked up to the apartments. When I was inside Rog, Bri, and deaky were still sitting near the tv watching another movie.

"I'm back and we're about to get fucking wasted!" I shouted, Rog ran up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips, he grabbed one of the bottles of champagne and popped the cork out.

"Get the glasses will you babe" he gushed.

"Ok, I'll grab some shot glasses too for the vodka."

I got the glasses and poured some champagne for all of us after 2 shots and 3 glasses of champagne deaky and Bri went on to their rooms while me and Rog were still going at the alcohol. A good hour or two later Rog was wasted and I wasn't far from it, I carried him to my room, thankfully without falling. I laid him on the bed, I then took my clothes off and laid right next to him. He grabbed my hands and wrapped my arms around him I rested my head on his neck. He was fast asleep and I wasn't far from sleep either. I slowly drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I woke up Rog had rolled himself all the way to the other side of the bed, I had a killer hangover and I imagined roger would too when he woke up so I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of waters and grabbed the ibuprofen pill bottle I popped two of the pills and got out two for Rog. When I was back at my room Rog was still asleep so I uncovered him to find he had pissed all over the bed 'great' I thought as I rolled my eyes. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower to warm the water up while he was asleep. I felt bad waking him up but I had to clean him up since we did have to go to the studio today.

I went through over to roger, kissed him on the cheek, I shook him softly. "Rog darling it's time to clean up babe" he started stretching. "Fuck I-I'm sorry, Fred" he sounded embarrassed. "It's ok I started a shower for you, but we do have to get to the studio by 2 and it's 12:30 so please hurry darling." He tossed off his clothes and placed them in the dirty clothes basket, while he was in the shower I stripped the bed and headed to the washer. Lucky for me brian was in the kitchen 'well what could I have expected' I thought. I tried to sneak by him so I wouldn't have to explain the situation and embarrass Rog, but things didn't seem to be going my way today.

"What are you up to this morning fred?"

Fuck,"oh um im just doing some...uh... laundry?"

"Okay, sure sounds convincing but you look upset so I won't bugger you too much."

Thank god, I hurried to the laundry room and put the things in, I then walked back to my room to roger with just a towel on. Oh great, now I have to deal with an incredibly sexy man standing in my room and try not to fuck him because I don't have time. He bent over to pick up something, and I mcfucking lost it I walked over to him and pressed my hard cock against his ass. "Someone's eager" he taunted

"Oh stop ya little tease I know you want this to." I then proceeded to grab his hard cock and he moaned a little out of surprise. I threw him onto the bed and tossed his towel to the side. "Hey Rog I want to try something a little new are you alright with that."

"Yeah, yeah whatever you want just fuck me please."

"Please what," rog looked confused now "it's me.mercury to you" I said as I grabbed a paddle, some handcuffs, and a gag.

"Now then what did you want, you little slut"

"Fuck me, pleaseeeee" I cleared my throat telling him to try again "fuck me, mr. Mercury" he practically moaned out as I started to suck on his neck. He started to moan rather load when I found the sweet spot on his neck. "Looks like someone needs help being quite we have others in this house." As soon as I finished my sentence I put the gag on him. Apparently I was taking too long so he started to touch himself. "Be patient before I have to punish you more, you wouldn't like that would you?" He quickly shook his head. I then began to suck on his neck again he was making sounds but couldn't fully moan because of the gag I left love bites all over his neck. I started to make my way down to his cock he tried to move himself so I would touch him. "Ah, ah, ah not yet I already gave you your warning" I put the cuffs on his hand and bent him over the edge of the bed and gave his ass a strike with the paddle. He made sounds of pleasure. "I think you're ready now, baby, don't you" he nodded swiftly. I prepped him and then worked my cock into him. He sounds we're getting louder and louder "I thought I already told you to be quiet, is Mr.Mercury going to have to punish you more?" He nodded, I gave his ass another strike and he made another muffled moan but I chose to ignore it because I was wanted to fuck him as much as he was wanting to be fucked in all honesty. I stuck my cock in him again and found his prostate. He practically screamed, even with the gag in his mouth I kissed his neck and his his prostate repeatedly and harder with each thrust, we were both screaming out with pleasure at this point.

"Is there anyway you could fuck any louder" I heard Bri yell with some annoyance in his voice, honesty I didn't really give a fuck any more and started to moan louder I took rog's gag off so he could moan also because Bri is in a pissy mood today so I wanted to piss him off more. Once rog's gag was odd he was screaming so loud and I was fucking him as hard as I could at this point. "Ah-a I'm c-close m-mr. Mer-Mercury" Roger managed to get that out before cumming all over us. I gave a few more thrusts and came deep inside of him. I laid down beside him and snuggle up. "Oh shit it's 1:30" I said in-between breaths. "Fuck" Rog whimpered out.

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