Our Not so Fairytale Ending

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Before y'all even read this shit I'd like to say sorry in advance. Also I might have cried writing this ngl...

Roger pov

I sat patiently in the doctors office waiting patiently for the results. After they had taken my blood they requested I get a ct scan yet refused to tell me why. They also asked me if I had anyone to take me home and when I said no they suggested I call some one. All of these were red flags, but I chose to believe everything was fine. Because everything usually is fine, but everything can't be fine all the time and I learned that the hardest way possible.
"I'm sorry mr. Mercury-Taylor, but there's nothing we can do, I give it five months. It has already advanced to stage four, I'm not quite sure how you've been fine for this long. I suggest you take the medicine we have prescribed to help with the pain. I would also suggest you spend all the time you have with those you love."
No, that's not what you want to hear, that's never what you want to hear. I felt as if all the blood in my body had been drained and my ears started to buzz. So this is what it feels like to be on death row, this really is it huh?
"Would you like us to call someone to pick you up roger?"

Why are they acting as if this is just a dropped fucking vase, 'oh you have stage 4 brain cancer now scamper along'. Why is this how it is, I've just got my life in fucking order. Before I could think another word I spoke Freddie's name for them to phone, I needed him.
That night was the darkest night, even with a full moon. After Freddie and I had our breakdown of a life time we invited Brian and John over to share this news. When they had finally arrive the atmosphere was tense, like everyone felt like something was wrong, yet only freddie and I really knew.
"Hey Alyse go play before we start dinner." Freddie suggested, we figure it would be best to tell her alone so we could explain it in the least painful way possible.
"Guys is everything alright, it's just you two don't look too good." Brian spoke softly, yet somehow I was angry with him. His life was a never ending fairy tale he had Ophelia a heathy husband and just a magical fucking fairyland on his side of the fence.
"No." The air almost thickened when I spoke, I couldn't do it.

I buried my face in Freddie's neck whilst I sobbed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. As I cried I felt Freddie start to sob as well, if Brian, John, and Ophelia hadn't figured something was wrong they should've known by now.
"W-what is it, we can help." Brian spoke timidly whilst rubbing both Freddie and my back, but the anger bubbles over again.
"No you bloody can't brian! You can't fucking fix it, I'm going to fucking die and not a single sole can do a fucking thing about it!" I steamed, it almost felt like a dream for a second, but even I knew I couldn't be that lucky.

"What do you mean Rog, what's wrong why are you dying?" John panicked, I had to tell them at some point.
"I've got bloody cancer." I meant to say it angrily, but it came out as more defeated.
"What cant you do chemo, they say the cure rates are rising." Brian said somewhat hopeful, oh if he only knew.
"It wouldn't help, I'm deep stage four." And with that I heard more than just Freddie and I's sobs.
"N-no you're not. You can't be. YOURE FUCKING NOT! YOUVE BEEN FINE! You've been fine, there weren't any signs. WHERE WERE THE BLOODY SIGNS" I've never heard John yell like that, but who could blame him. With a night like this I couldn't blame anyone for yelling like that.
(Get ya tissues bitches)
5 months- Freddie pov

These past few months have been nothing, but utter hell. But despite the heavy news Rog and I decided to live what we had left together to the Fullest. We traveled practically everywhere until roger could no long bear traveling. Once we couldn't travel roger and I spent the rest of our time playing board games with John, Brian, Ophelia, and Alyse.

That brings us to today, we were all enjoying a lovely game of scrabble when roger had fallen over and had a seizure. We got to the hospital as quick as we could, but when we got there they told us just to stay there, that his time was almost up. While I could have spent that time sulking I spent it speaking with a disoriented roger. About three hours into his stay, Brian has decided it was best roger and I got our alone time. So Brian, John, Ophelia, and Alyse said their final goodbyes and waited in the waiting room for me. They knew he didn't have much time, we all did.

When they left roger started to look tired, so I decided it was time to say my goodbyes.
"Hey Rog?"
"Mhm?" He mumbled sleepily, I could hear his heart monitor beeping slower and slower. Tears began to cloud my vision and I spoke up in a shaky voice.
"I love you, and I could never imagine my life without you. You truly are my person and you will be forever, no thing or no one can ever replace you. We've had our ups and downs but I truly think that my lowest points with you were greater than my highest moments alone. You're the first person I've ever felt this way for, and just know, while we may never last forever, my love for you will burn eternally. I love you to Mercury and back." Tears we're running down my cheeks but I kept my crying silent.
"Love you too, mwah." He lazily blew me a kiss.
"Get some sleep darling." I said shakily, my heart had never broken into this many pieces before, but I had to let roger go he was suffering here.

He opened his eyes one last time to look at me with those haunting baby blues. The same ones that have stayed in my mind ever since. He blinked one last time and then completely relaxed, he had a smile on his face.

Beep, beep, beep, beeppppp

And just like that, my fairytale ended, no happy ending, no magical cure, no roger. That was it, that was the day I knew nothing was ever truly going to last, Because without roger, I have nothing.

That's it guys thank you for reading 💖. I hope you have enjoyed it.

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